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How Make A Serious Comparative Tests Procedure

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El Nino your post is very interesting thanks. On my bed tests I have 70% reach , for example on a french 10cent Napoleon 3 10grams copper I can detect it at 40cm in the air , and it reduces to 28cm in the ground, this , it is true for all brands of machines that can run a low frequency under 10khz. For example 5khz or Multi with the equinox. 

So this is my challenge , it is very simple , go deeper than 28/30cm with a 10C Nap3 coin  …. 

Actually I am wondering it the impulse aq can be used on moderated mineralized soils. If this is possible , then an AQ will probably go further that 30cm in the ground . But from what I read in this forum it looks like that the AQ has been designed only for salted beaches  . But wait and see , the real tests will answer to the question ...

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Testing detectors, coils ... on various mineralized terrains - I give it some time ..it allows me to find different detection contexts better. 

Because I consider it a major drawback of the VLF detector ..

IN "Low" mineralized terain 1-2 Bar Fe3O4 ..


 Item N.2 ..very small  3x5mm"O" gold segment- 0.05grams buried at 10cm=4" in the ground is a challenge for any detector ..

  Small 13mm Silver earring N.5 is 20cm=8" deep ..

And small  13.5mm -0.45 grams of silver hammered coin Denar- is buried at 23cm=9" deep in the ground ..

The deepest coin is"50eurocent"buried in a depth of 37 cm...=15" ..in ground..



2.The second test is a test IN" Medium and Highly"mineralized = 4 Bar Fe3O4 .. ceramic granulate "Liapor" which is stored in a 350 liter plastic box.



3  .Test in "Extreme" mineralized 50L  "7Bar Fe3O4" Black Sand  box...= 4% Magnetite..381865057_maj9iphone5S2019039.thumb.JPG.0349bf124b9c8a6f60911036206eb6e7.JPG849123800_Maj5Iphone5S2019025.thumb.JPG.2ca856c61faa5ac1fe54527128250484.JPG


The detector is tested on a variety of coils. This will determine the optimum coil for a given type of detection, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of a given coil / detector combination.




Fisher Impulse AQ.... and reach in   Tests....

I consider the system of tests in the squares and the storage of test objects to be a well thought out and difficult test

In order for the detector to pass such a test ... the detector must be very sensitive (range-signal strength) to gold ... and also well separated in the iron../

I myself did a similar "nailbord test with a gold ring" under the nails ... which he put here here some time ago Rick .. so I know ... how it is difficult to unmask gold under the iron ..1616738559_december3iphone5S2018017_DxO_DxO.jpg.e7d9c888fd6f2f0800b6cc332d15a0e2.jpg


More information about the tests, but also the type of terrain .. on which Fisher Impulse AQ can work .... can be provided to ALEXANDRE..

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And below my own bed tests :

2 plastic boxes filled up up with ground , and a coin put under each box, no iron under the boxes  :

- Box 1 ( the closer one on the picture )  :

       . 15cm of dry moderately mineralized ground / a 3grams bronze roman coin put under the box 

- Box2 : 

       . 28cm of dry moderately mineralized ground /a 10grams copper coin ( 10centimes napoleon 3 ) put under the box 

These bed tests are very simple and very reliable, the results are always the same whatever the season. They push the VLF detectors at their limits , either for the  10grams copper coin at 28cm or for the smaller roman 3grams coin at 15/16cm. When I test a new detector these tests help me to find the best settings before going on the field.

The other picture shows the Nokta Simplex+ that I am currently testing with its 28cm coil in action on Box2. As the other machines  , it detects the 10gr copper coin but it is the maximum and it cannot go deeper for this target . And its limit in the 2nd test is 15/16cm ( the small 3gr bronze coin ) like the other VLF machines again .

Just wondering how the AQ would perform on these tests ….





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Unfortunately these tests do not work very well for minaralisation, the electromagnetic field goes around the tank and passes where there is nothing.

From 140 cm * 250 cm * 65 cm it becomes more correct...

under construction :

First hole 2000 kg or 4400 livre of material



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Ok 2000 kgs impressive , I have almost broken my back when filling my "little" 50kg or so boxes … ?

Otherwise yes I agree , for high mineralization testing  you have to use a big volume of ground. For low mineralization I think my boxes work quite well because the air mineralization is not so far from the low mineralized ground I think …   

I imagine that you will fill  your 4 holes with different levels of mineralization true ?

With these tests you will have a precise and repeteable idea of the performances of your machines . The only thing is the hygrometry of the ground which could change the results depending on the season. I have not this issue with my boxes which are covered with a plastic top all the year 

very interesting discussion , thank you for your post Alexandre ….

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I agree with the bulk of the size of the test material Especially heavily mineralized or salty, has a big impact on the tested detector and coil ... I find these differences on large = / 90kg / and small = / 10kg / Black sand box ..where large 90kg box mineralization significantly more affects the detection field of the coil ..
In some detectors..... It is obvious that the DD coil may have similar problems if the CC coil in strong mineralization - for the best and deepest detection, you must also hold the DD coil at least 5 -7cm on mineralized terrain ../ in tests in a small box it is not visible...

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And for info , an example of a test done for a French shop / Chateau Numis in Château Thierry North East of France . Here the detector tested is the XP ORX with a 22cm HF coil. The test includes static tests on boxes and field tests at different locations ( In French only sorry ) ...

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