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Gold Seeker's Making The Plunge! Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

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Yes. I will be getting a signal booster to increase my signal at camp. I should be able to sit at camp and do my work on the laptop. There is another spot 1 mile down the road where signal is good, where I can get email, post pics and do everything online each evening. I will be just 6-7 miles from a post office as well so books will be sent out as the orders come in.

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I wish you the best of luck. I think many of us wish we could walk away from the nine-to-five and pursue a passion - prospecting or other. In another life if I was single and didn't have the financial responsibilities that I do today I might do the same. Keep us informed on your success. Fortunes are for the few.

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True. I was blown away when my wife brought this idea up when we talked. We worked out finances so I can do this but some bills I still need to cover for us. This was her idea. Her encouragement.I am putting together a type of discount for the book for a short period of time or maybe a gift when ordering my book on my website. I will keep everyone posted.

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That's so cool Reese!

I'll be in touch soon -  Need to finish up some projects here in Helena>

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Sounds good. If you book a field training I will make sure you come away from it with really good knowledge and helpful strategies. You will be learning some things that are not in my current book but will be in the next book

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Thanks Steve. I greatly appreciate it.

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