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Fisher Impulse AQ Limited Launch!

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How about First Texas learning to master social media instead of all this secrecy? Rule number one, communicate regularly with your customers. Rule number two, do so with honesty and transparency. I have found people will forgive anything if you are just up front and tell them what is going on. With silence, however, people always assume the worst.

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I believe that out of 100 detectors in the hands of users in the USA, a strong discussion will develop very quickly and, first of all, experience with the use of Impulse AQ in the detection itself ...

I wish these users success ...

And I am very pleased to receive direct information on the Impulse AQ team directly from Mr. Steve Herschbach as well as other members of the Detector Prospector Forum ...

For detectors who don't live in the USA..and waiting for this detector to come to Europe and further to the world .., I just want to say ...

 First of all .. that Fisher is not sleeping and continues to develop Impulse ..  that Impulse is also solving for Terra detection ..., and also Gold prospecting detection ... so we have something to look forward to ...

 Very it pleased me ..?

I believe that there will be a really strong communication about Impulse, both on the part of Team Fisher and also from Impulse users.

As Mr. Steve noted ... maybe it's a good idea to give a little more openness in Fisher's Information.. regarding the delivery of the first 100 Impulse in the US ...
  It will help any other interested parties in the world to properly accept this fact..and prepare in time and money for the possible 2 wave of distribution of Impulse detectors ..., or even the Improved Impulse model ..

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Congratulations goes out to Alexandre first off. I'm sure he is very happy to finally see his design and hard work finally go into production,  although limited. I'm sure in a while, the rest of us will be very grateful for what I'm assuming this machine can do. Certainly, it will raise the bar for other manufacturers. Second, congratulations to Fisher for weeding through all the obstacles, legalities and even a pandemic. A lot of people, me included, were not happy about all the delays, and quite frankly it stressed a lot of us out. I'm sure by now it's obvious how passionate we are about detecting. Personally, I've been in the game for 51 years now, so any long term delay, from any manufacturer, may be the unit that comes out after I am not able health wise to use it.  So I'm happy that the unit will be released as soon as it is possible. Will it be ready for my fall beach season?????? I really hope so. If they decided to sell a couple of units earlier, please put me on that list.

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  • 1 month later...

Been fishing for 2 years straight, new house and a bad shoulder.

Kind off got excited about the Impluse AQ, you know the kind of excitement only gold will cure.

Someone coming to collect my SDC this evening. But where to get an AQ in Europe. Oh Dear, Oh Dear.

Ah well, Minelab being Minelab. They will hit hard on the rebound. So Fisher better get their act together.

I'll get my gear out of storage!!

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