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  • Gender
  • Location:
    Perth, Western Australia
  • Interests:
    Gold and fully charged batteries
  • Gear In Use:
    Manticore ▶ PI3000 ▶ Excalibur ▶ GP3500

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  1. The Manticore has a hidden screen feature that I didn't know about........it looked very much like a raised middle finger.
  2. And this was at the beach too....city of Geraldton and not inland somewhere. Anyway....back to the Vortex. My friend is keen on this machine due to the price. Do you think he should wait for the bugs to be ironed out?
  3. Nice hunt Simon........I don't know how hot your day was but I recently caught up with a friend and decided to take my detector. Well my timing wasn't good with the "warmish" day we had but I can now brag that I have actually detected in 49.5C heat (that's a 121F for our US friends). It was quite an experience for those short few minutes and I called it quits when the pain in my eyes was too much 🤣 and I couldn't open them to watch the detector screen. It's also the first time that I have had road asphalt stick all over my tyres.
  4. Maybe those with knowledge of Caleb's family & friends could point them this way to DP. I've always found comfort reading about loved ones who have passed away.....nice words and thoughts essentially from complete strangers (to them).
  5. Wow, this news really shook me up. I only once corresponded with Caleb a few years ago. He one day wanted to hunt for big gold nuggets and i told him if he were ever down this way then I'd provide all the camping and transport plus some good rations of cold beer and steak. He would have to dig his own gold though. It can be hard dealing with the loss of people we barely know on the other side of the world but we all share a similar love of the hobby and maybe that's where the hurt comes from. RIP Caleb and comfort to those who were family and close to him. I shall think of him when I'm next holding a nugget. I'm a bit late but I just "Followed" him here on DP. He also had nearly 60,000 profile views so that speaks volumes about the man.
  6. Or just design the best underwater coil ever made....White's Pulse Diver 950 Zero Buoyancy coil.
  7. I hope I am wrong with my eggstimate......either way, it will be a big omelette. I still use my trusty GP3500 with 14" mono coil and I have had people actually ask me if it still finds gold.
  8. I'm guessing we will all need 15,000 eggs for the next model 😐
  9. And that is the depth that my Manticore hits on my wedding ring......running the 11" coil. Minelab knew what they were doing when they chose the 11" as the default coil size. I can hear the ring at a Sensitivity of just 18 !!
  10. Unfortunately with the Aussie dollar (Peso) going south very fast, I can't see any price drops here in Australia. The Axiom lite is currently $5000 Aussie dollars or about $3100 US dollars.
  11. Because the geniuses employed by Minelab came to the conclusion that they can generate more revenue by getting more for every detector they sell......brilliant marketing when you think about it really 🤣 What with Garrett doing this, AlgoForce and Nokta PI machines.....MInelab's gravy train is heading for that bridge that has just been washed away.
  12. Agree 100% Clive.....I'll likely sell off my M15 coil as I have no use for it for the deeeeep hunting I do.
  13. That's a long drive for me Ivan......nowadays, I rarely use a pulse in the water although I have recently re-built a mint White's PI3000.
  14. And with the Manticore......for my beaches, pure detecting depth has gone beyond what I thought a VLF could ever achieve. But aren't we all still waiting for a "Gold Detector". Happy New Year DP members.......bit of a hot one today around 105F and my head is a bit sore from Vodka and Pineapple slushies from last night. I must remember to go easy on the Pineapple juice next time 😐
  15. Or when the machines had no software. Pure analogue circuits that were just awesome right out of the box. No online reviews and Youtube madness.....just wait for the Garrett and White's catalogues during the early 80's and drool......and as a young kid, find a way to save $500. Beg, borrow and sell anything possible.......the cat was looking worried for a while.
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