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White’s Electronics Done After 70 Years

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5 minutes ago, tboykin said:

I agree completely. I’m not an engineer (never was), just a hobbyist now. I might be competitive with them in arm wrestling or a foot race though.

”Trust me bro, it’s a cracking detector” should have been enough to ink a deal on the QED. I know it’s selling by the tens of thousands right now and this singular decision would have saved the company. Having that decision back I should have flown to Oz for a very specific demonstration where I had no control over the conditions, spending triple what simply purchasing the detector would have cost.

All I can do now is use my tears to wash all the gold I’ve found stateside with my Minelabs.

Sarcastic banter aside, you can’t pin White’s situation down to any one thing. Steve made a great point about the responsibility of owners to steer the ship. There are also market changes, demographic shifts, and worldwide events happening. New companies have quickly gained ground on established ones. Lots of factors, some that we probably don’t even recognize.

It is sad, but everything has its time. You. Me. Countries, businesses, religions. Nothing lasts forever.

Except gold.

Ya know Tom it was a pleasure to read that post,


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With the GMT 24k and the QED would of helped a lot but they needed a good VLF and ditch the MXS because of it's past history plus the fact it looks like a Chinese knock off,

The VX3 would of made a good MXT Mk 2 if it had of had manual adjustments instead of pre sets and given it the MXT's Tracking system, To this Day the MXT's tracking system is a force to be reckoned with,  with these 3 machines whites would of had the machines to retain market sales but because they would not listen to those of us who knew over the MXS issues until after the damage was done Whites signed their own death warrant,

And all of their machines that have come out in the past 4 or 5 years have been built with a total lack of pride and inspiration or resemblance to what people were asking for and as sad as it is they deserve every thing that happens.

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1 hour ago, auminesweeper said:

With the GMT 24k and the QED would of helped a lot but they needed a good VLF and ditch the MXS because of it's past history plus the fact it looks like a Chinese knock off,

The VX3 would of made a good MXT Mk 2 if it had of had manual adjustments instead of pre sets and given it the MXT's Tracking system, To this Day the MXT's tracking system is a force to be reckoned with,  with these 3 machines whites would of had the machines to retain market sales but because they would not listen to those of us who knew over the MXS issues until after the damage was done Whites signed their own death warrant,

And all of their machines that have come out in the past 4 or 5 years have been built with a total lack of pride and inspiration or resemblance to what people were asking for and as sad as it is they deserve every thing that happens.

LiPo rechargeable battery, and USB up-gradable alone could have done wonders. (Also free scuff covers. Can't expect people to buy Cadillac parts after buying a Jetta.)






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I think it would be good if people took a few deep breaths and counted to 10,  These are trying times, not just for Whites but for all of us one way or another,

There have been a lot of lost chances some good some bad, Personally I can't wait to get out and swing a coil again, Campers all but done and I am waiting to place a call to order a GMT 24k, I hope that Whites UK keep going because they have always been a delight to deal with, I am also looking forward to meeting up with an old friend or two and going to a few weekend rallies etc, maybe the odd end of day BBQ after the hunt,

Sounds good to me.


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A shame to see the end of a company that pioneered hand held metal detectors, and the people involved in its history. The reasons for the demise of this once proud company are myriad, but what craps me are them that were once involved and recompensed for their involvement in that company are the first to sink the boots in when the crap hits the fan. 

Rubbish! History records their involvement, and despite protestations the facts have been recorded.

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One of the most annoying things about it is that no one would listen, Back many moons ago when Fisher started making the F series machines people loved the light weight and balance of those machines and it was clear as to which way the designs needed to move, Then Garrett did it and then ML with the et-305 505 and 705, There was no reason why Whites could not of kept making the Black Box machines but they also needed to follow the new trend with the new light weight machines,

back around 2010 in a moment of madness I bought a little Fisher f4 and it was super light and powerful for such a cheap machine, my favourite was the F70 that had the knobs, but knowing how I am with machines I wouldn't of stop until I bought an F75,

I hope Whites rethink and regroup because their business model is not working and certain people need to Go and others need to wake up, Whites was a great successful company because they were hand in hand with the end user but 10+ years ago that all changed where they started to dictate to the end user and people Voted with their Dollars in their millions and companies like fisher Garrett Deus an Nokta welcomed peoples input and the Whites landslide began.

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