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Well John, first off I said passed 10K a long time ago. In suspect you are pretty far in the hole with your detector purchases versus whatever gold nuggets you have ever found. In fact, I bet I have found more gold nuggets metal detecting in the last two weeks than you have in your life. So pardon me if your opinion is not holding much weight with me as of late.

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I would not say in the past 2 weeks but you have made some huge finds in the last 15-20 years and some of those are Quite remarkable,

As for me at the moment my prospecting has been put on hold, At Great Loss and I have little or no interest In going out there at present,

Also my family use to Own a sizeable Alluvial mining set up in OZ back in the 1990s but that's another story to be posted elsewhere.

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But I`m not loathe to give ML wraps, and don`t understand why you are. If people don`t believe your reviews or comments that is their problem.

I have always looked askance at those that put too much weight on any one detector or manufacturer. I try very hard to be as even handed as possible and to give all detectors their fair due. Every detector has a place with different people who have different needs and budgets. If not they do not last long on the market. So when a detector and I get along exceedingly well I get cautious because I do not want to be a "GPZ guy" or a "Minelab guy".

My reviews are out there with the main goal being to help people. I generally get my hands on about everything worth having for nugget detecting and I do try and figure out what every detector is best at, and how to get the best out of it. If it helps people, great. If they don't like them or think there is more than it than that, that's fine also. It's not like people have to pay anything for them.

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I have found your reviews very inspiring over the years to the point of me parting with my hard earned Cash, But reviews have a shelf life because of ??

Well Take minelab for instance we had the 3500 and then in rapid time we had the 4000, the 4500 and the 4800 and the 5000 so that's the reason I say short shelf life because we all want the latest and greatest So that Current model becomes the must have Item, Not that there is anything wrong with the earlier models, It is just that we want the Latest one.

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I think there are many people still interested in the GMT today so my old GMT info is just as valid now as then. There is a very active market for used detectors, and so somebody looking at a used GP 3500 may very well find those old reviews valuable. None of them ever are about the machine being the best thing ever. I have never declared any detector to be "the best" and so they do not have that pedestal to fall from.

One reason I created this website however is that by keeping my content under this roof I can update it as new information becomes available. My nugget detector review listing gets updated constantly.

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Auminesweeper A review on a 3500 doesn't have a self life becuse a 4000 comes out.

It is still a review on a 3500!

Reveiws are not written in stone they are only reviews. The person that writes them my change their mind later but it gives the buyer a bit of insite on the product they are thinking about buying.

I used Steve's reviews when I bought the Whites GMT. I was looking for a gold detector with what I tought would have the best discrimination available at the time.

Personally I think it still has the best discriminator of all gold detectors that I have used.


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With the Birth of the SDC and the GPZ it seems that a VLF only really comes in to it's own in junk filled sites, Unless those meters are needed on a VLF, The SDC is finding sub gram gold where we use to use a VLF and it handles the ground better, The up side to machines like the GMT is the Battery life but as Technology moves on the PI/GPZ run times will get longer and longer and that will become another Gap that minelab close.


I like reading the reviews because they show what is possible and with some of them you can picture being there, They are still very important and even old machines can still find gold.

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Auminesweeper A review on a 3500 doesn't have a self life becuse a 4000 comes out.

It is still a review on a 3500!

Reveiws are not written in stone they are only reviews. The person that writes them my change their mind later but it gives the buyer a bit of insite on the product they are thinking about buying.


Well when you buy a machine based on one Only to be told otherwise that can become an eye opener, Reviews are more applicable when a  machine is current but even then they may not keep up with the latest offerings from other companies, But we want all the bells and whistles when they are released,


It's just human nature.

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With the Birth of the SDC and the GPZ it seems that a VLF only really comes in to it's own in junk filled sites, 


The other place VLF's are still king are prospecting exposed veins or detecting hardrock ore piles. Also in crumbing exposed bedrock stretches. They rarely post, but a lot of guys concentrate almost exclusively on the hard rock related stuff with detectors.


Not to mention the GPZ is an absolute bear to use on large steep ore piles.

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