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Figuratively speaking that is. Gold for sure, but, if I had actually struck it, it would probably split in two. Only 1.6 grams of 14K, but, I'll take it. Still not in love with this machine. Pin pointing is still vague, bottle caps sound great and seem like they're the size of a hubcap, and hairpins are driving me crazy! I just can't coax a double blip out of them, and can only get a reject tone with a max setting. I'm actually having a much easier time finding coins with it. The most disappointing thing so far is the lack of deep good targets. The main reason I got it was to find deep gold in difficult ground. I've been digging all targets and have yet to find anything good that my other machines wouldn't have found. This mornings gold ring is an example. In the 6-8" range, any of my other machines would have found it. Since I'm digging any repeatable target, I would have thought that I would have found some deep coins too. Nope, not a one. Nothing over a foot deep except iron targets that I just as soon not find. Oh, and this last hunt only lasted about 2 hours and 15 minutes before the battery died. Pitiful...... It had been a few days since it had been fully charged. Maybe I should have topped it off? Hard to believe it would lose that much life just sitting for a few days. If I don't start to click with this thing soon, it's going to be a closet queen, or E-bay fodder!


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Congrad's on the Gold! 

I'm at a loss of words on the rest other then the battery, I have experienced the same when I did use the stock battery and found best to keep it on charge until I get ready to walk out the door...And it is now in the closet...... I do know the AQ is a Power Hog. 

Have you done any air test to check to see how it does with a nickel. Making sure it is working correct.

Tell us something on your settings also..I feel bad your having issues, the amount of testing and playing with it really helped me. I'm not sure if I would be where I am now if I did not have that time, plus I hunted in All metal with the Excalibur 99% of the time. 

Hope things get better...


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Yup, I love the Excal and Nox. That's the way I hunt with the Excal too. They're easy to detect with. I've done all kinds of surface testing with the AQ. It just seems everything is different when the targets have been there for a while. I usually adjust the ATS and Reject (the "expert" method) so that rusty nails just start to give a bad tone (and even further in my testing in trying to eliminate the damn bobby pins and bottle caps) Nickels still sound great at my settings. I try to run the delay at 7us, and usually can in the wet sand. In the surf I sometimes have to go to 10 to keep the chatter down..Volume and Threshold to a comfortable level, and Sensitivity as high as I can stand and then back off a hair so it's a bit more stable.

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Nice Gold Cuda

Do not give up ....it is a Proto ....it has issues that need to be Ironed Out

Any Gold is Good Gold 

Not every one can find gold Rings with Robbin Size Emeralds for first Blood.

like ole Gold Bloodhound Clive......LoL....wink....

Trying to keep tight lipped on findings ....testing....in field...

I like to let it Rattle around in my head awhile...

But my number one pet peeve is a coil that floats ....o I can fix it and I will ...couple of marbles and some hot glue....or put some space shuttle tiles on it ....lol...

I know exactly where your at use all the units you speak of and then some...

And if I can speak freely here with out being crucified ..I hav3 some theories of 

what may be amiss .....I am not going to do a data dump yet....but the battery and interference the connectors I am watching like a hawk,,,,,what did Mr. Joe say hmmmm

Its a Power Hog.....well bad ass detectors especially Pi use resources like black holes

not only are all these batteries have different internal resistance....wreck havoc in any high power circuits.....

water detectors must have second safeties just like the diver always a back up not one o ring , not one seal .....How many of y’all put silicone lube on the Big Red O ring.....

not gob it on just enough make it sheen like well waxed car ....speaking of wax did you wax the coil and rods ...be mindful of that around sensitive area’s.....bottom coil...have not seen coil cover yet but give time personally I do not like em ...I just buy new coil or repair with epoxy if I wear it out heck yea I want to wear it out ....and get de gold....

as for the in and out water Noise from capacitance....yes I had mine in salty neck deep environment......simple ...if I want a small coil I will order one with a small coil fixed

these coils should be fixed if you are A water hunter  It is One Less place that will not leak..... a hayco connector is a lot cheaper to build and the savings would be well placed in fortifying second safety back ups .....beach hunter model ...Water hunter model ...

Deep diver Model for Pirate divers and Navy seals....

like I said I will not throw my theories all out here or do data dump but you can bet I will be on it this is one unit that shows great promise ....

kinda like a First Date with a Hot Woman .......oh since I mentioned that word I would like To.     Thank First Texas Again for being Leaders in the Industry .....Great people Think alike........

Again Cuda Awesome Gold 

jimpugh aKa MagnumPi




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Switching from VLFs to PIs is often difficult.
You come here from another world.
The Impulse AQ is extremely sensitive and powerful compared to an Equinox or Excalibur. The IMPULSE AQ can even relegate them to the rank of toys in certain situations.
It will already take you several months to tame the beast if you know the PIs well, and it will take you even longer if you only know the VLFs. You may lose a little time at the start but you will certainly find a lot of gold more in a year of detection. (if your goal is to find more gold).
Otherwise there is no point in continuing with the IMPULSE AQ as much as using a Minelab. But that would be a shame, because you leave the possibility that other prospectors will detect before you on the static areas and not leave much at reasonable depth for a Minelab.

We can help you get what you want.

1st For each situation a specific use and settings (wet sand, underwater, magnetic ground, ....)

We need to ask you several questions. (sorry)

What types of soil do you want to detect?
What kind of soil did you start on?
In which detection mode do you want to detect?

What is your swing speed?

Too often we see prospector using VLFs sweeping too quickly. Not that the IMPULSE AQ isn't fast on the contrary, but it will lose precious inches and the smallest sounds (the most interesting)

Regarding the battery, I advise you to charge it the day before your outing at the latest and not to leave it plugged into the detector while waiting. The high capacity NIMH discharges quickly in the air, here the IMPULSE AQ needs the smallest mAh of power available.

Here is a setting that I recommend on wet sand to begin with (non-volcanic and not underwater).

ATS: 9
PULSE DELAY: 10 or more

If the small gold targets sounded like a huge target, its because it was close to the surface.
For a powerful device this is what usually happens.

In extremely polluted areas some prospectors only dig on small sounds, because they believe that the others could not be forgotten by the VLFs and are therefore trash.

In ALL METAL mode, to confirm and obtain quality and recognizable sound signals, simply raise the searchcoil to the limit of detection to hear the double beeps, it is also necessary to cross the swing. A hairpin will not sound the same in both directions.

You should know that even with the settings of the IMPULSE AQ at 25%, the IMPULSE AQ will always be more powerful and sensitive than a Minelab.

So you should not try to optimize the settings directly when starting with this new detector.


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It reminds me of Le_Jag's story from last year.
Rommel's "asparagus" (2nd world war) appeared on one of the French beaches, denis was warned a little late of this phenomenon. 6 prospectors equipped with Minelab were present for a week before his arrival with the IMPULSE AQ. They were still there when Denis started to detect.

It was an unbelievable shame when the IMPULSE AQ beat the MINELABs. We are talking here about 10 against 1 gold jewels found for the Minelabs and at 1 prospector against 6.

I think it's a good example, An article was written in the French magazine "Monnaies et detection"

This is what you can expect when you know your equipment well and also know the research areas well.





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Questions and Variables

saltwater to brackish

knee deep to neck Deep

All Metal mainly

first Two hours hot battery hot detector after that loose depth sometimes as much as 20-30:%....(we have factory produced product we can Not open ours and say O my J FET is Running out of spec and loading up my biasing Transistor.....or man look at my Damping Resistor looks Like it had a fire ....better beef it up a tad...bring in the heavies....( I know of your proto type for five years or more ) (Variabes) are you hunting with a random off the production line .Mr.Tartar And your dear friend Mr. Le_Jag......? Like the movie 300 Spartans we are .....100 TarTans...

I know you are very pressed for time and other newer AU units your most likely

Working on .....Thank you for your time and the awesome stories and 


Happy Trails 

jimpugh AKa MagnumPi

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Thanks for your responses. To answer Alexandre's questions......My beaches are mostly decomposed sandstone with quite a bit of ferrous black sand in most places. Like most of my other machines, I search in all metal. When I come across a target, I then switch to Tone (discrimination) to analyze the target and then dig it to see if my prediction is correct. My swing speed is a bit more than 2 seconds a sweep out of the water and in relatively trash free ground. I would consider that about average. In trashy ground or difficult ground it's a lot more.....maybe even 5-6 seconds a sweep. With the additional resistance swinging in the water,  I've never heard of too fast a swing speed being an issue in the water, even with a lot smaller coil. Except for surface targets, I have yet to get a double blip on any target. Some deep nails sound good, some don't, but, none of them give a double blip at any angle or coil height. Bobby pins all sound good and no double blip there either using the same diagnosis method. I'll try some very conservative settings and see what it does. I figured that was defeating the purpose of trying to find deep good targets. I can run an Excalibur at max settings here without issue.

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I'l say this:  Having run a TDI Pro in the water for a few years I can say that with this type of detector you can hear the (wide) caps and the weakish and irregular sound of pins--but it takes time.  Coming from a VLF though this is not the level of signal examination that you've needed so far.  Kind of the choice between the conductivity or--everything else.  This is why I always tell my readers that pulse skills will help you with any machine you plan to run--when you add this broad based approach to a discriminate circuit you become much more accurate.  Not many bother.

As Alexandre suggests--you will hear these differences better without the "fullness" of a high Sensitivity setting--or at the edges of the detection range.  With the Dual Field I suggested in my book that new pulse hunters run it in so called "discriminate mode" that is--a very low Gain setting that reveals more about a target.  Same with the AQ.  Im learning it's language slowly and also now feel more confident with my TDI too in that I realize that this level of signal examination is not optional--even though it seems painstaking--its how to get more conclusive with the machine--period.  It becomes second nature after a while.  Also, to examine the whole signal you have to know what that is--size, shape, "width" solidity, "peak" "sides" "carry" and context.  Basically you are looking for "sets" of target characteristics.  With the AQ add high / low in tone mode--quite a big plus.   Even our Canadian steel dimes present too wide of a signal to be gold--and in Tone--the low "ends" give them away.   


PS Cuda Mark you may have to change your handle--you are in the presence of "the man"...Jim-- I hear it was a car too...supposedly...

Also don't forget that second charge it stays red for quite a while must be something going in. 

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