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Nokta Gold Plus Trouble

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I just got my Nokta gold plus detector today and ran into trouble . The screen on the handle will light up but can't get a number display on it. I've check the pins and plug with both looking good. I plug it back in and still have the trouble. The detector was double box and it didn't have any damage to either one.

 I hope someone has had the same problem with a quick fix. I really don't want to have to send it in before I can use it.

 Chuck Anders

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Yes Steve the display on the side of the control box works great. So far I can't find anything wrong with it. Like I said when detecting in Gen and get a ID number on the box but nothing on the handle screen. It will light up and that's all I get.

 I hope Nokta can say the trouble is in handle or the control box. I hate to have to send the complete detector back.. It's their call.

 Chuck Anders


PS I want everyone to know this detector as one can see it's well made. I really like the looks it's just when it's you that has trouble it gets personal.

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I had the same problem (among many additional ones), had to send it back and get a new machine (which itself didn't work and I had to send back, and THAT replacement didn't work either). I spent all summer just shipping machines back and forth, at my expense, now summer is over and I have no reason to use it anymore because I'm back in Minelab territory haha, go figure. Even this machine still has a problem with that VDI screen, but I can read it still and got tired of shipping and the season was over anyways, so meh, just writing that purchase down as a learning lesson. Nokta - you guys need to work on your QA/QCing though.


May your luck be better than mine...

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Yeah hard to say. My initial thought was the handle but maybe the plug on the control box is not hooked up properly? I just looked at mine and there are 10 pin outs so I don't have any idea what to put a multimeter on to compare settings. If anyone has any bright ideas do let me know as I do have a functional FORS Gold+ in hand.

So nothing if pinpoint button pressed or ground balance button pressed? It must be getting power obviously or it would not light up and so works at least that much. Hopefully Nokta has encountered it before and so have an idea what's up. Be interesting to see how it gets handled - please do let us know.

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I wrote to Dilek directly at first as was suggested to me on this forum when I reported the issue (I was at 10,000ft on the side of a mountain on the first day of my trip and hoping someone knew how to fix it right then so I didn't have to go back home).


Dilek simply informed me that I needed to deal with Kellyco since they are the US authorized repair center. I think I wrote about my experiences with Kellyco in another post here (very negative). Not exageratting at all when I say I lost my entire summer detecting season dealing with that (and wasted a 900 mile round trip detecting outing)...Kellyco told me they don't actually repair anything Nokta there, they just replace the units unless it's something modular or mechanical. I actually never really got to use the detector due to that stuff and since the specific opportunities I bought the detector for are now forever gone I doubt I will use it much.

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 I will let you know what my out come will be. The pins was the first thing I checked and then the plug. All looked good with nothing loose when put them together.

 I'll talk with Chris tomorrow to find out where I go from here.

Till then




  This is the first time a new detector came out of the box with trouble. I hope I do have better luck than you. I'm one that don't give up are give in.

  I know what you say but at the same time I've heard good things about Nokta..

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For what its worth, the 2 or 3 days I actually used the machine I thought it was a great unit. It was pulling deep silver coins up my other coinshooters had missed back in the 90's and early 2000's in my own yard, also way better at picking through the trash than any coinshooter I used before. I had the Fors Core, not the Gold+, but I'm sure the Gold+ is a good machine too. Good luck, I'm sure you'll get fixed up.

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Jason, I get that maybe they would send you a replacement detector, but I am sure we all agree that if sending someone a replacement detector that testing it to make sure the replacement works properly makes all kinds of sense? We all get a bad whatever now and then and most of us understand that, but when they replace it with another bad unit good will disappears fast.

You know all this far better than I - just saying.

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