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Weird Find......

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So it started raining as I got home from an all day meeting at work and wanted to test real quick the Simplex+.  So quickly to a pine section of our acreage we have that has never been disturbed by modern methods.  However, I hear that there use to be an old logging road that ran across the property and my 7 acres which is mainly the western side of has a descent down to a winding creek bed that still flows.  

I begin testing real quick the detector and get a solid hit but as I recall low single digit TID of 4 maybe hopping around a bit at a buried depth of about 4-5”.

As you will see the sections have opposing round eyelets where it looks like driving spikes would be placed to secure them down. The raised rail sections look eerily like rails a train like wheel would sit on???

So attached are the photos of the sections of metal dug.......very strange and quite honestly remind me of railroad rail for like a hauling cart.  Never seen anything like this in person and certainly not from a find.

Thoughts or suggestions?


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   Not sure on those GR! But kac may be on to something with the guide rails! Maybe saw guide rails for cutting dimensional lumber! Look for other related items! Someone here will surely have the info! It would be very helpful if you would put something in the picture for scale! I can't judge there size as is!

   But i would be curious to know what can be found in and around your creek! People and items tend to collect around creeks and other water sources!

   Good luck hunting up some more goodies!??

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Suggestion (to all posters of photos):  include something to show scale.  In your case I see a background brick so for those of us here in North America -- probably a standard size.  But other parts of the world may have different standards (or no standards at all).  Rulers that have both metric and SAE (e.g. inches) units are best.  Some people use common USA coins for scale which the rest of the world has a chance of recognizing....

Interesting pieces you've shown.  Are they attracted to a magnet?  Do they show signs of having been broken/cut or is that their manufactured length?  I'm stumped.

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16 minutes ago, GB_Amateur said:

Suggestion (to all posters of photos):  include something to show scale.  In your case I see a background brick so for those of us here in North America -- probably a standard size.  But other parts of the world may have different standards (or no standards at all).  Rulers that have both metric and SAE (e.g. inches) units are best.  Some people use common USA coins for scale which the rest of the world has a chance of recognizing....

Interesting pieces you've shown.  Are they attracted to a magnet?  Do they show signs of having been broken/cut or is that their manufactured length?  I'm stumped.

LOL.....yes it was cold and rainy and I did not let dust settle on me on this one while photographing.

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