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Luke Wants To Detect But Needs Help Walking - Electric Wheelchair For Luke P.

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An Electric Wheelchair for Luke P.


The Treasure Coast Archaeological Society is raising money to help fellow metal detectorist, Luke P., purchase a new electric wheelchair capable of navigating off road surfaces such as the beach. Luke is suffering from an unknown medical condition that is making it difficult to enjoy his hobby of metal detecting. He is having trouble walking for more than ten feet at a time and this wheelchair will allow him to become mobile and enjoy his outdoor hobbies.

Please assist us in helping Luke!

Thank you in advance.


Donations can be made on Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/b26d8be0 


Donations can also be made via check or money order to:


PO BOX 780768  


Sebastian, FL 32978




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Very Noble thing to do!


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My friend Terry Shannon, our local detecting Legend here on the Treasure Coast, has taken Luke out detecting...he spearheaded getting this fundraiser going I think. I’ll be donating...it’d be awesome to get Luke a way to get on the beach more. ??

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Thank you Peg and Steve! 

Terry Shannon met Luke several months ago when he was trying to detect on the beach. At that time his legs were beginning to swell and he feared he could not walk any distance to detect. Terry said his spirit and enthusiasm was off the charts about detecting and beating his condition.

Your help is really appreciated!

Best regards

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I sure hope they can raise the bucks as that’s a fair chunk of change. I think it is incredible where we are getting with technology to help people with various physical issues that prevent them from having the sort of access we take for granted. Artificial limb technology and so many other things, but unfortunately accessing those things come at a cost. How do you put a price on your quality of life? I’m optimistic though as we have brilliant people working on these issues.

Whatever, I hope the money whatever the amount can be used to help Luke, and thank all of you at the Treasure Coast Archaeological Society for working to help him out. I honestly knew nothing about the organization, but this is a huge display of the character of the people involved. Kudos to all of you.

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