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How Does The 15x12'' Equinox Coil Compare To The 15'' Coiltek Coil?

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3 hours ago, Tiftaaft said:

I spent a few hours yesterday with some Mano a Mano testing on the ML15 and the CT15

Thanks a million for the excellent feedback Tim.. I really appreciate it.. As I said I've been hesitating on buying the CT but from what you and others are reporting I get the feeling that it could provide a depth advantage, especially on the beach.. This is ultimately what I'm after on a patch I've called the 'Silver Mine' where the ML is getting as deep as it can possibly go and there could be more silver coins lurking below.. Again, thank you for your help in making up my mind..   

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  • 2 years later...

Bumping up this thread per having acquired the Coiltek 15" for the Nox 800 today. (Cheers to a certain DP forum member!)

All I have to offer is the results of a wildly unscientific and unsexy 40 minute test at one of my kid's schoolyard. Based upon prior advice from this forum and other sources, I dialed the sensivity down on the Nox to 17-19 and recovery speed down to 3 and used Field 2. So, here we go re: first impressions:

1) This thing is A BEAST to swing. Even after shortening the shaft a couple inches, I'd've had to change swing arms if I went much longer.

2) Pinpointing is a challenge. Needs practice on my end, that's all I can say so far.

3) EMI was less of an issue than expected. I was within 100 ft of power lines and houses (w/all the attendant wifi and EMI producing equipment) at all times. Yeah, the Nox 800 w/this coil was behaving poorly at the higher sensitivity settings, but pulling it down to the 17-19 range made it run fairly quiet. 

4) Hits new targets in pounded ground. I've been over the same ~150x75 ft area multiple times w/the Nox and Legend stock coils...and I suspect the ground has been worked over by prior detectorists. I've pulled a buffalo and wheat previously, and 30+ memorials w/o much in-between on the coin spectrum. With this coil this time I dug 4 targets, and two were coins -- a '69 nickel and a 2019 shield penny. Weird thing is both were in the 6-8" depth range. The other two targets were AL trash reading in the 13-15 VDI range, which I thought could indicate a deep nickel target.

Takeaways: Need to spend more time w/this hog to figure out its strengths and weaknesses. I can definitely see its utility when one needs to cover a big area, cut through (or swing above) surface rubbish and still hit targets at depth. Also, I'd consider swinging this coil a mild version of strength training. 

That's my two (or six) cents, at least. Cheers!

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15 hours ago, glacialgold said:

1) This thing is A BEAST to swing. Even after shortening the shaft a couple inches, I'd've had to change swing arms if I went much longer.

This seems to be a common theme with 15" round DD's on today's under 4 lb IB/VLF detectors.  I have two of that size (one is a Nel Attack for Fisher Gold Bug Pro; the other is a 3 kHz Coiltek for the Minelab X-Terra 705) and I've hardly used them, at least partly because of their dead weight.

15 hours ago, glacialgold said:

2) Pinpointing is a challenge. Needs practice on my end, that's all I can say so far.

I'm with you on that, too.  I have the Minelab 12"x15" for the Equinox, which isn't as heavy as my just mentioned 15" rounds but searching on sloped ground where more muscle is required does make things extra hard on my back.  For me (certainly not speaking for others) the time saved with the 15" sweep path (think "windshield wiper coverage") is offset by the extra time it takes me to pinpoint and investigate the target, compared to the 11" DD stock coil.

Coiltek has earned a deserved strong reputation for their many coils over the years.  But the 15" round DD for the Equinox is a head-scratcher for many given its overlap with the already (at the time of its release) available 12"x15".  Their 9"x14" DD Nox is a toe smasher as well but there was thought that this one was intended for underwater use where extra weight offsets coil buoyancy.  The third Nox coil they made has been a widely praised winner, though -- 5"x10" DD.

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As i all ready had the ML 15x12 coil i could see no reason to buy the CT one as basically i would be doubling up and also heavier into the bargain,so glad that i did not purchase the 15'' round coil.

Must admit although i have had my Nox for may be 4 years or so,have never really liked it,it just does not do anything for me,although i wont sell it as it could come in handy for the odd days beach detecting etc,but decided to put the 15x12 ML coil back on it and run it in 4khz for when i am on pasture sites and i get a gut a gut feeling that items could be slighly deeper and also the ground coverage especially when i am on a club dig and we only have say 8 hours to hit the site then that is when the larger coil earns its keep.

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2 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

This seems to be a common theme with 15" round DD's on today's under 4 lb IB/VLF detectors.  I have two of that size (one is a Nel Attack for Fisher Gold Bug Pro; the other is a 3 kHz Coiltek for the Minelab X-Terra 705) and I've hardly used them, at least partly because of their dead weight.

The weight difference was especially pronounced because I'd previously had the Nox rigged out with the 6" coil. Jumping up to the CT 15" was just...wow.

I'm going to keep practicing with it, mainly to build my stength up and get better at pinpointing (if possible). I view it as a useful tool to have in the inventory, especially for areas that are low trash and few and far between on targets. My family also has a farm up north dating back to the late 1850s, so this coil would be a good fit for covering acreage there.

And finally, new toys are fun! 

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