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** Lost Gold At The Dead Man's Mine ** A Miners Journal **

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  June 14   1937     Part One


   We had our best gold weigh of the season with seven ounces in the pan. We placed the pan in camp for all to view while we ate breakfast. Also, I had a meeting with the two deputies Dan and Luther late last night. I went into town and talked with them about The gang enforcer. The deputies are now on my payroll and will work with us as needed. They will not be leaving their positions but can be of great assistance to us in dealing with thugs and rif raf. They are going to pick up the gang member and hold him at a secret location where we will interrogate him. We need to find out what the Mexican gang is planning if anything and make a plan to deal with them. 

   I went up to the digsite with Hudson and went to work trying to keep my mind off of all the distractions. It is a real shame that with all the rich ground we have to work we are under constant threat by outsiders. We had 60 buckets dug when one of the deputies showed up at camp. Will came up and got us and Hudson and I went down to camp to talk with the deputy. He said they had found Brooks and had him in a secure location. John and I followed the deputy into a remote area where they had him chained up in a steel cage like an animal. Now it was time to extract some information.

   TO BE CONTINUED ...............

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   June 14   1937     Part Two


   The deputies watched as John and I asked some questions. Brooks wouldn’t talk. I told him he had one chance to start answering our questions or pay the consequences. He asked me what I meant. I said I noticed he was right handed. I told him I would give him a choice. If he wanted to remain silent he could choose to be shot in both hands with my 45 or have all his fingers cut off his right hand and leave the left hand alone. Or he could answer our questions. I pulled out my knife and 45 and told him to decide or I would decide for him. He decided to talk because he knew we didn’t kid around with his kind. The deputies just chuckled as they watched.

   We ended up getting all of the information out of him that we wanted. The deputies would keep Brooks under lock and key at this location for now. I told Brooks that if he was lying to us he was a dead man. Then John and I returned to camp. We called a meeting and decided that John, Sarge, and I were going to Mexico. Will and Hudson would remain at camp to guard our goods. We had been told by Brooks that the gang was small but deadly and had plans to come to our mine and rob us. Brooks had given up the gang's name and location as well as the names of the members. The gang's headquarters was located at a camp in the northern Sierra Madre mountains. It was only accessible by horseback or by foot. After supper we began to make a plan over a few good bottles of whisky. We intended to take them out. 

   TO BE CONTINUED ...............

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8 minutes ago, Bedrocker said:

Very dumb plan.

Here's a smart plan for you : Buy all the gold & silver you can get your hands on and thank me later. A big spike is coming. 

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9 minutes ago, GhostMiner said:

Here's a smart plan for you : Buy all the gold & silver you can get your hands on and thank me later. A big spike is coming. 

And thanks for reading & commenting. Remember, the plan is only as smart as the writer. Or perhaps I am sandbagging. Or perhaps you may be surprised. The soap opera continues.

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5 hours ago, GhostMiner said:

And thanks for reading & commenting. Remember, the plan is only as smart as the writer. Or perhaps I am sandbagging. Or perhaps you may be surprised. The soap opera continues.

Yes I think gold and silver are going to spike like you said.

The reason I think a trip to Mexico is a bad plan is this. They are a very tight crew of 5 men. If three head for Mexico they are no longer 5 men and will be very vulnerable to all sorts of danger. They won't be tight and they won't be strong splitting up like that. Especially the two guarding the camp, claim and treasure. Even with the deputies help they are goners. Would be easy to ambush them. The three going south are traveling hundreds of miles to a foreign country with foreign laws to confront men they have never met in a place that they know nothing about. Gosh what could go wrong there? I know these 3 are tough but they aren't bullet proof and probably don't even speak spanish.

I realize it is fiction and I don't mean to criticize YOU and your efforts because you are writing every day and I don't mean to hinder that. Sorry for the lengthy comment Ghostminer and from now on I will just enjoy the ride and not comment much. Thank you!

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7 hours ago, Bedrocker said:

Yes I think gold and silver are going to spike like you said.

The reason I think a trip to Mexico is a bad plan is this. They are a very tight crew of 5 men. If three head for Mexico they are no longer 5 men and will be very vulnerable to all sorts of danger. They won't be tight and they won't be strong splitting up like that. Especially the two guarding the camp, claim and treasure. Even with the deputies help they are goners. Would be easy to ambush them. The three going south are traveling hundreds of miles to a foreign country with foreign laws to confront men they have never met in a place that they know nothing about. Gosh what could go wrong there? I know these 3 are tough but they aren't bullet proof and probably don't even speak spanish.

I realize it is fiction and I don't mean to criticize YOU and your efforts because you are writing every day and I don't mean to hinder that. Sorry for the lengthy comment Ghostminer and from now on I will just enjoy the ride and not comment much. Thank you!

   No worries. Feel free to comment any time and thanks again. I am always painting myself into a corner here LOL.

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