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Hello From Connecticut


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Hello and thank you for accepting me. My name is John, I hunt mostly in Connecticut. I am mostly a colonial relic/coin hunter the past year or so. Before that I was a silver shooter, and I still do from time to time. Looking forward to meeting others here.

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1 hour ago, JNimons said:

Hello and thank you for accepting me. My name is John, I hunt mostly in Connecticut. I am mostly a colonial relic/coin hunter the past year or so. Before that I was a silver shooter, and I still do from time to time. Looking forward to meeting others here.

Welcome John! Used to live there for most of my life. New Haven area, and then way up north.

I've only been detecting for a year or so, but my area in Virginia is loaded with old coins and relics. I've been lucky. I do some coastal traveling as well and have quite a few interesting permissions.

I see you have all the right stuff, if you want to increase your detecting skills this is the place to be. Ask questions, have no fear. Good people on this forum.

Once you get settled in, remember we like posts of finds! I imagine you're snowed in a bit right now.

Do yourself a favor and "follow" your posts, if you gave an email you'll get notified when someone replies. Hit the blue follow button at the bottom of the page.

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Welcome to the best forum on the net, and don't let F350 kid you he has a lot of relics and coins that he finds on a couple of farms.

Would love to see some of the finds that you have uncovered sometime.

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Welcome JN,

Glad to see you here on the forum! Now go get those relics; and silver!!??

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