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Need Help Identifying Statue

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Looks like an old carved ivory totem/seal to me, is it heavy? Does it have figuring on the base?

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It does have figuring on the base. Goes all the way around with some floral looking designs. But there’s the crest front center that I posted a picture. Cleaned up the bottom of the base to give a better look at the make up of the stone as well. Greatly appreciate the speedy response. Had this thing for years and curious to any tidbits I can garner. 



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I used Google lens, and found quite a few of them from soapstone to wood.


They all range in value from $100 up.


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It's meant to look like the ancient Chinese white jade figurines, don't think it is authentic though. Stuff like these were sometimes recovered from tombs and the lore states that they soaked up blood and got a brownish or reddish tint from that. At least, I know a girl in China who's father collects this stuff and resells it, and this is more or less what I recall her telling me they believe.

That one has what appears to be modern saw marks on the bottom and it looks like the blank was cut from a modern core bit. So I'd guess not an artifact. But it might be some low grade white jade with many impurities, or some jade-like mineral amalgamation with orthoclase, zoisite, stuff like that if the reproduction was higher quality. 

Might take it to a Chinese antiquities dealer just out of curiosity though, the real ones are quite valuable, and I'm no expert by any means.

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