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Reports On MX Sport Firmware Update - Post Here

Guest Paul (Ca)

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lol mike,

ehm i like it also but. then i must wait again, and i cost me agian money. usely i keep a detector 5  till 10 years.,

my wife is killing me,  and thats not a joke, 

and chuck the 10 dd is good for now, i run at sense  5  treshold 1  in coin and jewelry. its perfect in my  search fields

we have two sorts ground pead and clay.  and  some sand for beach hunting. 

ive walked lon with the 950., on the dfx and xlt, super coil,  but for now i like the mx as the way it is,  mabey next year get the 2 other coils

like steve said before a bigfoot coil  is also nice,

years ago i searched much 2world war stuff  where i live is the last liberated area in the netherlands. we have much  pillboxes and large air defense  bunkers and bases,. and that stuff is deep,  

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Between me planing a trip and all the rain we've been getting here it's hard to get any testing done' Right now it's been raining so much but come July everything will be burning up and then where is the rain.

With the detecting I've done so far the MX Sport for me is working great. The only problem I'm having is I need to forget what my Eagle 2 done for me over 20 years and think only of the MX Sport.  I'll tell you one thing and that is plan on digging deeper. I'll get back with you when I learn more of the in and out of the MX Sport.

That trip won't be until the end of June but going to use the MX Sport for some prospecting too. Want to see what the 6 x 10 coil can do are not do nugget hunting. Got other detectors for that job but like show and tell.haha

Till Then


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3 hours ago, Ridge Runner said:

Between me planing a trip and all the rain we've been getting here it's hard to get any testing done' Right now it's been raining so much

Hey Chuck looks like things finally took a turn for the better for ya!  Except maybe for the rain.  We've been getting lots of it too lately.  Problem is you can't use the rain for an excuse so much now with a waterproof detector.  Ya just need to get you a good rain suit and make yourself waterproof too!  I think you doing some testing in the rain would be an attractive element for your testing.  A few lightning strikes in the background etc might bring in millions of views?  

But seriously we all know why god made a rainy day, so we could all sleep real good of course.  Once I get retired (in a bout 3 more days) that's how I plan on spending rainy days if at all possible.

I saw the depth testing on the Sport that Steve posted.  Looked real promising.  Not sure why folks get hung up on the tones so much. It's not a Stradivarius it's a metal detector.  Anyway, I know you get all that.  When you get to your testing I'll be looking forward to it and maybe doing some of my own in the future.  I thought it would be good to set up a test garden in my yard.  Much better than doing air tests for sure.  

The very best Regards




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You would think if a detector company makes a waterproof unit they should know it needs a lighting rod. I also need to drag a chain on one leg so the lighting can go to ground..

Being retired is beyond words. I've been at it since June 2001 and never looked back. My only problem was my wife thinking I retired to work on our home. The only thing I do believe time goes faster when retired but like said it's great.

The Best !


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On May 31, 2016 at 1:27 PM, Roughwater said:

Not sure why folks get hung up on the tones so much. It's not a Stradivarius it's a metal detector.     

I am guessing you don't use tones to hunt. However very many people do. I run full tones on my DFX and it was a major selling point for me on the MXS. Regardless, all features included on a detector should work. If I buy a car with four doors I expect all four doors to work, even if I only use one or two.

I do hope the MXS ends up being all you hoped for Chuck. You have certainly earned it!

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48 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I am guessing you don't use tones to hunt. However very many people do.

Hey Steve,

I do use tones to hunt.  I use tones more than #s.  2 of my 3 detectors have no screen for ID' numbers. Tones are all I have to go by on those detectors.   I didn't explain myself very well with my comment but what I meant was that I didn't understand why some would be bothered by digital VS Analog tones or why someone would be bothered by having a detector with more available tones than they cared to use?  I never really assumed much about a detector.  I have always adjusted to a detector and not required a detector to adjust to my likes and dislikes.  Variety is usually a good thing with detectors though some prefer to keep it simple.  I just go with the flow.  I will learn the basics first and over time figure out the other available options once I get the basics down.    


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7 hours ago, Roughwater said:

 I didn't explain myself very well with my comment but what I meant was that I didn't understand why some would be bothered by digital VS Analog tones or why someone would be bothered by having a detector with more available tones than they cared to use?

OK, this is a explanation to my Explanation.:huh:LOL

I feel like my explanation didn't convey my original explanation.  I don't think I used the work "bothered" the way I meant to convey it.  To put it in other terms:  Like you Steve, I didn't understand why it would be a problem for some folks if their detector has digital tones instead of analog tones nor do I understand why it would be a problem for some if the detector has options you may not choose to use like 4, 8 or 20 tones.  Like I said, I go with what is available with the product.  I'd rather have that sunroof on my car even if I don't think to use it (long as it don't leak).  When I sell that car the next person might like having that sunroof so it could be a dealmaker in the end.  But for me the real meat of a detector is things like depth, sensitivity, response time, If I get it over gold and it goes boing, pop, bang or who-who or says, "hot dam".   It don't matter to me so much as long as it lets me know there is something there I should dig.       

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You just like digging holes:ohmy:

But I know what you mean because I just wanna know whether to dig or not, But I Guess a lot of folks use the Tone in the same way, But even though the Sovereign GT only had 4 tones it was still the higher tones that I was looking for even though I dug them all, But now I rely on the 2 tone / Disc to tell as in low tone is Iron but Dig the rest because it is the closest thing to using the All Metal mode,


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