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Membership Check In Or Be Purged (Completed)

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This it turns out,  is an interesting thread, just to see the folks who don't post much but do love this forum.   Maybe there should be an annual "purge"  just so all of us can show appreciation for the information that we get just by reading and hearing what others have as challenges, and the rewards from diligence in seeking treasure.  I know that I am thankful for this forum and for Steve H. in his sharing of his knowledge and experience.   Also thankful that my post count is greater than zero.  


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37 minutes ago, Jim P. said:

Thanks for putting up with us lurkers Steve. I don't remember if I've ever posted or not, but I do read and learn a few times a month. Later...Jim P.

Nothing to put up with if a person only lurks - it's some of the posts that need putting up with! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Seriously, lurkers are very welcome, they simply do not need an account and space on my server to do it. The membership list is 325 pages long now.

Again, nobody need worry as long as the system shows they have a post. It shows you posted twice before Jim, so now your post count is three! Better safe than sorry, and as sodbuster has noted, turned out to be a more fun thread than I thought or intended when I started it. 

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1 hour ago, Couch Potato said:

Well there was this coil for sale.

In order to buy it registration was required.

There you go, an answer that makes sense, and is genuinely important for me to consider. More so for anyone running an add and wondering why no response. Did you include contact info in the ad? If not, only forum members can contact you, a elite but limited audience. The page gets about 700 views a day, but most are not forum members. Something to keep in mind for sure. Thanks!

Edit. Important enough I posted about it - 


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Another reason Steve is the forum remembers where a member has left off reading a thread, you only have to click on the thread title to jump to the first unread post in the thread. Much more convenient than always having to start at the first post in a thread.

I don't post much but am on the forum almost every day. Help out when I can and learn something almost every day.



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