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My Thoughts On MXT And MX Sport

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Amen phase tech , I field tested my new ctx 3030 , actually did not make it into the field , actually did not make out of the garage . Catastrophic failure not starting at all. Now I have to deal with minelab telling me to send the detector to the supplier and the supplier telling me to send the detector to minelab as its within 7 days of receiving and opening the box . What a crock. 

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Danny that would be more related to Who does not want to pay the freight, If it is only 7 days old then just ask for a replacement forget about repairs etc, Tell em because you should have a 14 or 30 day cooling off period etc. don't fart about get stuck in, 

good luck,, John

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I get so disgusted with manufactures and people that by no fault of their own sell a defective product. I usually will go back to where I bought the product and if I am within their return policy demand a new product. I just tell them that my money wasn't defective when I bought it! That usually settles it or I tell them I will just call the credit card company, dispute the charge and keep the machine anyway. I hate the feeling of being taken advantage of once the sale is done.


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1 minute ago, Johnnysalami1957 said:

I get so disgusted with manufactures and people that by no fault of their own sell a defective product. I usually will go back to where I bought the product and if I am within their return policy demand a new product. I just tell them that my money wasn't defective when I bought it! That usually settles it or I tell them I will just call the credit card company, dispute the charge and keep the machine anyway. I hate the feeling of being taken advantage of once the sale is done.


Well this is how I started looking at it, But then you have to realize that it is not a personal thing and also companies like Whites has under gone quite a few changes so in all fairness they just have to get use to working as a team with all the new faces, They dropped the ball but they were fast to react and they gave minute by minute progress reports, So as far as I see it they are doing the right thing, No it should not of happened but I have made my fair share of cock ups throughout life, And Whites are well on track to making things right,

Tom has been here for his daily whooping and he faced the music and survived and because he kept his word we are grateful for his efforts and Whites are slowly coming round to working with us and that has to be a good thing.


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Danny & Johnny

 Sometime back Steve H. said when he was a dealer a detector didn't leave his hands unless he check it first. You won't find that done too much today. The reason is they put too much faith in the company  they a dealer for.

You will find some dealers that will go out of their way to make it right for a customer . Then they them self will deal with the detector company. At the same time a person like myself has more help from a company to make my trouble with one of their detectors right. What I was told forget about the cost we need to find the problem and fix it for you.

To keep a detector and then stop payment on didn't hurt the company but a hard blow to the dealer. The detector company is the one telling you if you buy from us we'll give a 2 year warranty. The trouble is they just don't say how much bull that comes with that warranty.


PS I need to give credit where credit is due. White's is the latest one company I've been dealing with and that detector a MX Sport is on the way back to me now. The other company is Nokta and they too made it right.

If you want to know the meaning of right. A company won't stop until they have a smile back on your face. They know then you'll be back as a customer again and again.  .

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Unlike in the US, Over here all detector companies will sell you any machine you wish, Where as in the US most companies won't sell you a TDI pro without giving the Customer a basic introduction to the machine, I think that once a machine reaches a certain price bracket then the UK should adapt the same policy with such machines, I know E-tracs and CTX and the GP series are murder for the novice, even watching the factory Video are of very little use to a greenhorn, Which is why when someone asks a question about certain machines I go in to it in great depth,

That might seem boring to those who are well versed with such machines, But when you buy one of the high end machines and you have very little knowledge about them being dropped in the deep end is the last thing you need, I have seen it, lived it and Cussed it all the way Home, So I know first hand.


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