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I Wish The Pocket Watch Was Attached!

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   I'll have to dig it out, (we moved) and check what it rang up as! But yeah, mixed signals as I recall! Was thinking too, that the watch was probably an easy sight find "In the day", if it was even lost at all! But the chain, not so much, obviously!??

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If you can change the tone break then use an old rusty cut nail as the break for iron. Many machines iron range extend well past that but think that is to include larger iron pieces and I found using the cut nail as a base line for junk iron has worked well.

As an example on my Gold Racer the iron range is 40 but a cut nail hits around 23. Thin gold chain hits around 38. The Multi Kruzer a cut nail is 4 but iron range is 14. I use a small coil on that for freshwater hunting and many small earrings hit around 12-13.

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