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Garrett, Send Me An Axiom And I Will…….

Reg Wilson

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I can relate to the youtube, facebook thing. It's the younger generations go to. I'm old but not an old fart, I don't have a face book a/c but I do watch a little youtube, but I filter it. I apologize in advance but I do like to illustrate my points so if you are young with an attention span to match stop reading now. I recently hooked up with two young guys half my age, they were interested in looking for gold, in particular sniping as they were 'following' a well known youtuber that operates with considerable success down here in Tasmania. I told them I knew which river he was operating in even though he never mentions locations, I recognized it from one of his videos. We went there and last summer, had a really good season, we even ran into the youtuber on the river even though it's a remote location. So the partnership has been good for all of us, I fast tracked them onto gold and they gave me the opportunity to do some sniping in remote locations in company. They are great guys and we get on well, but you would think after what I described above and considering my age and experience I would have gained some credibility. No they get all there information from facebook and youtube, if it's on youtube it's true, they are intelligent guys but when it comes to social media they just don't seem to have a bullshit filter. I've been detecting for 45 years, one of my partners decided to buy a detector based on a youtube recomendation. I advised him that with out notch discrimination and the high frequency that it ran at, in highly mineralized ground he may have some problems. He pointed out that it ran fine on youtube, I pointed out that the youtuber was running in pipeclay soil with no mineralization, I was ignored, the result is that its not useable in our highly mineralized soils. This the reality of todays marketing strategies and this is why Garrett are focused on facebook. As a former CEO of face book quoted 'we have completely rewired their brains so that they reject reality and embrace tribalism' tribalism in this case being facebook.

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100% what phrunt said .

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Garrett, Send Me An Axiom And I Will make sure that Minelab will not take away your record of the largest nugget ever found with a detector. You  may have to throw in a few extras to get me, but the largest nuggets were mainly found here in Victoria so you will be on a good chance of not losing your record to Minelab when they send me my free GPZ-8000.

Your sincerly Mr Geof. JUNK

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Finally to add to what Phrunt said as well as my previous thoughts, when recently, I was considering a new waterproof detector it was this forum that I looked to for 'guidance' not face book or youtube, lets hope that forums like this can continue to stay relevant and provide a trusted source of information, but as with all information, a filter is required. Combined knowledge not ego and opinion.

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4 hours ago, oneguy said:

Thin peice of plexiglass cut to shape and some ShoeGoo can do wonders.....

Yes I saw recomdations of what to do. Im still here trying in Aus to find things. I appreciate your recommendation. 

I am still perplexed as to why Garrett released this here with no coil covers!?

But will for sure take on board your idea. Thanks for taking the time to reply ??

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5 hours ago, oneguy said:

Thin peice of plexiglass cut to shape and some ShoeGoo can do wonders.....

Heck, in a pinch just Shoe Goo alone can do wonders, that stuff is near indestructible. 

I'd use it to patch coil covers when I had no way to get mail and buy a new cover, but then I started just throwing the covers away after they'd crack or wear through, and smearing a thin veneer of Shoe Goo on the coil bottom/sides by itself. Granted, not a coil I could resell, but seemed to work good just by itself and wasn't quite as loud scraping dirt either.

*Ah actually, just looked, and it's "Amazing Goop" that I was using alone.

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8 hours ago, Reg Wilson said:

Well, the lesson to be learned here is that satire is completely wasted on the Yanks.... They just don't get it.

God bless America land of the free, and I'm not being sarcastic, I honestly mean it. Especially when you consider the Nanny state that Australia has become. But although I really believe the U.SA. is the land of the free, I'm with you Reg, they just don't get irony. Too late I've already ducked behind the parapet to avoid the return fire. 

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1 hour ago, Smigo said:

Yes I saw recomdations of what to do. Im still here trying in Aus to find things. I appreciate your recommendation. 

I am still perplexed as to why Garrett released this here with no coil covers!?

But will for sure take on board your idea. Thanks for taking the time to reply ??

Despite the well meaning solutions put forward, I think Smigo is perplexed by Garretts attitude, Garrett recommending fabricating a skid plate is silly to say the least. Sorry I'm still behind the parapet !

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18 minutes ago, blackjack said:

God bless America land of the free, and I'm not being sarcastic, I honestly mean it. Especially when you consider the Nanny state that Australia has become. But although I really believe the U.SA. is the land of the free, I'm with you Reg, they just don't get irony. Too late I've already ducked behind the parapet to avoid the return fire. 

Glad I live in a really small town here in Vic mate. 99% Old style Oz and not because its 99% westerners. We have people from all corners of the globe. But we live as 1 aussies . We get along and respect each other. Small yes, but great little place. 

I didn't want to come or be here as my last home was 8 times or more bigger. But covid work from home and stuff forced us out. 

Now, when travelling to shop there, last place, here has not much so its a big travel, I see the change of people. Now im glad I dont live there. Its stuffed up. 

We go to sleep here hearing nothing, no hoons, no burnouts like last town, no screaming, no violent fights, no police. 

Its like we stepped back in time when we first came to central Victoria in the early 1990's.

I think we'll hang here till we die. If it goes that well ?


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