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I’m not sure if I’m in the right forum but I found these minerals I believe to be Turgite on Magnetite. I am the first to discover it and there are 1000 pounds plus in this location. I found it with my pulse dive. The pieces are heavy and slightly magnetic. The issue is I’ve never done a mining claim and so far every international attorney I’ve talked to says they only work with companies not individuals. I found them in Italy. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!









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That was my first thought. If magnetite is involved it should be strongly magnetic. I agree it looks like slag. But what I was really thinking was “is iron ore mining a thing in Italy?” Because in most places it’s generally worthless unless in huge quantities with cheap infrastructure in place. 


“Half of Italy’s iron output comes from the island of Elba, one of the oldest geologic areas. Another important area of production is Cogne in the Alpine region of Valle d’Aosta; that deposit lies at 2,000 feet (610 metres) above sea level. Little iron-bearing ore has been produced in Italy since 1984.”

Is there a smelter nearby or a railway? Slag is commonly found along railways as it spills from overloaded cars while being transported for disposal.

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Hi Clay I am such a rookie! I have heard of slag before but what confuses me is the tests I’ve done on the material. It scratches glass, is heavy for its size, the stones have two different streak colors, (red hematite and black for magnetite) When I put the piece to a magnet it sticks strongly, I meant slightly magnetic meaning other metal objects stick to it slightly. So do you still think it’s slag? Also I want to do a mining claim cause I think this is a totally new mineral. I found it in the water and outside of the water in sand, a lake. Not in Elba but north of Elba, closer to Milan, Italy. Hope this helps and yes there is a railroad about 20 min driving distance from the lake.

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Slag can have silica added into it - which would scratch glass since it basically is glass. Not to mention it might contain some quartz if it's smelting slag too. Those sheens are common with slag from leftover zinc, copper, etc.

On/in a lake? Ship ballast being dumped at shore as cargo was onloaded?

I took a look at a map of Italy out of curiosity and Elba is on an island in the sea and Milan is like up by the Alps, two totally different places, so hard to guess where it came from or what might have been common around it.

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