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Whites TDI SL Or TDI Pro Or White’s Spp?


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Im new member of this forum

I want to buy whites tdi

I know that i can use gpx coils for whites tdi for more depth, one of my friend had whites tdi he told me that its better than gpx5000, and has more depth sense than gpx 5000

He used 20" nugget finder for tdi

1.Which one is better? Gpx5000 or whites tdi?

2.Whats diffrents between these 3? "Whites tdi sl" or "whites tdi pro" or "whites spp"

3.Which one should i buy?

4.Where can i buy? Online shop or who sell


Please anwer my questions and help me to buy 

Thank you very much


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The selection of detector is entirely up to your intended use of it. What purpose is it for??...Gold nuggets? General prospecting? Deep old coins or relics? Hidden hoards of caches of treasure? Of the 3 Whites TDI's, the original TDI Pro (or 'Oz Series') will have the extreme depth benefit due to the higher voltage. They are also much cheaper than the GPX5000. All Whites products are available on the used market because the company no longer exists. Once we know what you are looking for with your new detector purchase, the advice will be more specific.

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I can't imagine a scenario where any TDI will outperform a GPX5000. In a nutshell, the TDI-Pro/Oz are the high-power models, the SL is a lower power version but also quieter and lighter, and the SPP is a reduced-function SL. Search this forum for more details. Aureous is correct, the detector you need depends entirely on what you are looking for.

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I want it for extreme depth for treasur , ancient golds and silvers like swords knif or dishes ....

I want it for depth of  2 to 3 meters

MY friend told me that i can use 25" nugget finders mono coils for tdi pro, he said that it sense more depth than gpx5000


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5 minutes ago, sarix said:

I want it for extreme depth for treasur , ancient golds and silvers like swords knif or dishes ....

I want it for depth of  2 to 3 meters

MY friend told me that i can use 25" nugget finders mono coils for tdi pro, he said that it sense more depth than gpx5000


Searching for that kind of treasure, a  GPX5000 would be the best option using the 25" NF coil. In General/Normal setting, it would beat the TDI with a quite noticeable margin. BUT, the price difference is 3X. If you can find a good TDI for $1,000, you can expect to pay $3,000 for a GPX5000. It all depends on your budget.

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The TDI will not outperform a GPX 5000 in my experience, not even close. Perhaps your friend is using one of the many counterfeit GPX detectors that people fall prey to looking for a bargain price. You sound like the classic treasure hunter, wanting a detector to find things 2 - 3 meters deep. Be aware you can only find very large objects at those depths. This article will give you realistic possibilities and options….


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  • 2 months later...

I just found this thread as I recently purchased a used 1st Generation TDI (and have been searching for information regarding it) hoping that it would provide additional flexibility to my VLF machines (A Whites MXT w/ 4X6 DD and a Legend w/ 6" Round) exclusively for use in Arizona gold detecting for small (mostly fractional gram) nuggets. My thinking was that at a relatively modest cost, the older TDI PI technology is still likely superior in many conditions to VLF in the mineralized areas I hunt, and would hopefully expand my capabilities without spending $1000 more or (MUCH more) for another used PI. I assume the Jimmy coil was designed by Jimmy Sierra, and though it says made in Sweet Home, OR. it doesn't say "Whites," so assume it was at least a decent, though perhaps not GREAT coil.

I prospect either in dry washes, where relatively smaller physical coils allow better mobility getting around boulders and such, and in flat open country for residual gold at relatively shallow depths, where larger coils are not a disadvantage and will provide greater coverage (understandably at some loss in minute gold size sensitivity). Therefore, I am open to owning two different coils for my different applications. I am not especially interested in extreme depths as most finds hereabouts don't seem to be THAT deep, but he ability to maybe pick up targets passed over by hordes of VLF users over the years is useful. My thinking is that MOST hobby prospectors don't swing even "modest" PIs like the TDI, so I am hoping it will see targets missed by the large numbers of VLF detectorists, but likely not hunted/depleted by far fewer people with the better and more expensive PI machines.

The TDI came only with the popular white "Jimmy" 5.5X10.5 Dual Field Elliptical Mono Coil  I see in a lot of older YouTubes when the TDI was more state-of-the-art and popular.

I've only had a few hours with the TDI (not nearly enough times to really go head-to-head with the VLF machines), but already I like the audio target "warble' response of the TDI to the 'zip' of the VLFs. 

From what I read, the "HOT coil" for confined spaces is the 6X8 Nuget Finder Sadie coil available new from Australia for about $230, and I noticed a White's Super Pulse 150 6.5" Round Coil also on ebay for $200. A local shop has an 8.5X11 Razorback TDI MONO in stock (about the largest physical size for washes) for $125 used, but I can find no test/review information about Razorback coils (I understand 'Miner John'  now has manufacturing authority to produce Razorback designs and I shot him an email awaiting response). Everything else being equal I prefer coils that have edge sensitivity at the "nose" to help "pinpoint" targets. I have no candidates for larger flatter ground for greater depth yet, but am open to suggestions.

So I have a few questions anyone here with more experience with the TDI:

1) Will the Gen-1 TDI in general give notably superior depth to the VLF machines (especially in mineralized soils with numerous hot rocks present) ? (I've read w/o modification the TDI-Pro and TDI-SL are not equal/better to the Gen1 TDI version, which I assume is true?)

2) In washes, I'd like to be able to hear small targets (0.4grain and up) without having to move as many rocks and clearing as much overburden first as is necessary to be able to hear/locate the targets using VLF. Will the TDI usefully increase that ability to do that as I've seen on the videos with superior PI machines like the SDC 2300 and the GTX machines, that I know are far more capable?

3) Are any of the coils I mentioned (Razorback 8.5X11, Sadie 6X8, White's Super Pulse 6.5") superior enough to justify the purchase $$ of one of them (and which one) in preference to the Jimmy coil? 




PS I did find this thread, but unfortunately the coils I have or am looking at were not listed.


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I doubt you'll find many .4 grain nuggets with any TDI. My modified TDI SL is decent on 1 grain-sized nuggets, but a .4 grain would have to be nearly in contact with the coil, I'd imagine.


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On 3/17/2023 at 8:00 AM, Jim in Idaho said:

I doubt you'll find many .4 grain nuggets with any TDI. My modified TDI SL is decent on 1 grain-sized nuggets, but a .4 grain would have to be nearly in contact with the coil, I'd imagine.


Maybe that is over optimistic on my part, though I reviewed some TDI tests of a gent in Australia who tested about a dozen different coils, and one of the tests he did involved a 1 grain target at least, as you say your SL will do reliably.

I didn't know whether a 1/2 gr target would register proportionally weaker and at reduced depth, or not at all. 

As I (should have) mentioned, I have VERY little time with the machine so far because I live where every trip to where I prospect is a 1+hr drive directly through Phoenix, so until I get a good 4X4 w/ and overland tent on it so I can spend multi-day outings,  I am doing as much research as I can about the capabilities of the detector.

This (below) is a chart for a 1 grain nugget with various coils. I HAVE the Jimmy 6X10 1/2 Dual Field Mono Coil which claims about 3" depth, while the 6X8 Nugget Finder "Sadie" 6X8 saw the target at about 6", which is quite an improvement. Since a lot of sub-grain items I was previously finding were at 2" depth (mostly tiny shards of lead), I was thinking the best coil I could find would provide a useful improvement over my VLF even taking into account in easy ground a VLF is more sensitive to small targets.

What coil are you using that you find decent and useful with 1 grain targets, and at what depth can you detect them?



BTW, Do you have the 16.8v battery mod, or maybe also the electronic component modification? I understand those mods make he SL about equal to the original TDI. I hear/see a TDI "OZ" claimed to be higher power, but I don't know that for a fact. I guess those were exclusively sold in OZ, or maybe just got a sticker put on them there by the distributor?


According to karelian who posted his test results on the TDI w/ varios coils at link:


Thanks to him for the useful information!



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