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Sensitive Full Tones Review

Lodge Scent

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I tried the Sensitive Full Tone program last week. It surprised me by sniffing out a few buttons from a cellar hole site that hardly ever gives up a nonferrous target anymore. One major negative for me with this program was the iron falsing. It was very distracting particularly because it would show VDIs from low 70s to mid-80s. Increasing the Silencer or Bottle Cap Reject didn’t help. I ended up just ignoring all high tones then eventually just notched 70 to 99. Of course, that quieted down the machine, but a notch like that is only safe to use on your most pounded sites. But the program showed promise.

I used it today at another worn out site and was even more impressed when it sniffed out 9 nonferrous targets (all mid conductors). I made a few changes that made it more usable. I had the Sensitivity at 95. I lowered it to 90 to see if it would help with the falsing but it made no difference, so I put it back to 95. Sensitivity at 95 gave a noticably stronger signal over a good target compared to 90. This program runs at a negative Disc of -6.7. I raised it to 7 but that really didn’t help quiet things down either, so I ran it with the negative Disc. When I got into the heavy iron and got sick of the all the falsing, I Notched out 70-77 and then also 97-99. Once again, this was a pounded site and the odds of a big silver or copper still lurking about was very slim. The notching really helped eliminate a lot of the falsing and made those mid conductor tones stand out in Full Tones. A couple of tombacs were really "fuzzy" becaus eof the iron but had enough of the midtone to make me dig. I used PWM but square tones might help even more. All targets had iron nearby or right in the hole with the good target. I used Reactivity of 2.5 and then 3 or even 4 in the very heavy iron.

This could be a killer program if I can deal with the iron falsing. All this high-end notching is OK on my pounded sites, but I would not want to use it on a new site. The Full Tones did provide good audio clues. Most of iron that was falsing was easy enough to ID as iron with the Iron Volume at 4. Sometimes a quick swing around the target worked and a quick pinpoint showed that the good audio signal was off the tip target, giving it away as iron. Like I said, it was easy enough to ID the iron, but I would prefer NOT to have the falsing to begin with.

I had used Full Tones all the time for the first couple years with my D1 but hadn’t used it at all for the past 5 years just because after using Multi Tones for a while, Full Tones just wasn't all that pleasant on the ears. I am definitely going to do some more work with this program. 

Any suggestions to tame that iron falsing would be most appreciated!



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I run Sensitive Full Tones and PWM exclusively. The only changes I fluctuate are Reactivity and Sensitivity but only a little either direction of default. Iron buzz becomes very pronounced with falsing. A few swings will also start scrubbing the falsing. Between the iron buzz and falsing be aware of that possible faint solid signal that can still be had in both directions. Brief erratic 91s are a good sign of falsing also. Its all an ear full so keep the volume at comfortable levels..... lol

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Agree with 1moar. I always run prog.3 pwm (on mild soils) and works 100%. I change only reactivity. I put ground stabilizer on 2 which gives more stability and for iron falsing I swing over the target changing swinging coil direction. In this way you 100% understand if that’s iron/big iron or not. Audio response on 4 and reactivity 2.5 mostly..

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I run a couple custom programs (fast and deep HC) with full tones as my primary search modes.  However I also have similar programs next to them set to Pitch for the purpose of verifying an iffy full tone signal.

  I love the tone variation/modulation both tone choices provide on odd shaped objects or large iron, but have found that a higher reactivity (3+) in full tones will make an iron false much crisper and sound more like a good nonferrous target.  I try to keep my ft programs at 2.5 or less.  Pitch seems to still give a decent tone modulation with higher reactivities.  Just my experience and thoughts 

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I run a modified beach program in my mild (88, 89) soil for buttons. 

Disc. 7.0, notch 7=48. Sensitivity 99, reactivity 1, salt 9, iron volume 3, audio response 7, WSA ll XL phone volume down, audio out 7, pitch, square, silencer 0. I have a similar program in dive and beach sensitive but I prefer beach modified. For iron false I just pull the coil back off the target if it is not a clear signal and I hear the iron grunt a bit I pass it up. These seem to be the deepest programs with air tests of many different targets. 3 spins with my friend Max.



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Great review Lodge Scent!

I haven't used Sensitive Full Tones and need to give that a try. I too use PWM Full tones with Fast and Deep HC and also have a Fast program with Pitch in PWM to check signals and for cherry picking.

I've been tuning my ear using Full Tones and PWM audio lately because I feel I can hear more target information than with Square audio. I love the sound of Square, but I feel it rounds off the edges, so to speak, and makes many bad targets sound good. PWM audio, or as a friend calls it "that dying duck sqawk" ? , makes it easier for me to hear subtle differences in target types. I have been keeping information on finds lately tying to catagorize differences in good targets and bad targets with similar VDIs to verify if I am really hearing differences well enough. Here is an example showing the VDI of two rings I recently found and the similar sized trash targets in the vicinity of the rings.

Bottle Caps to Ring-2.JPEG


In both of these hunts I was able to hear the differences in the good vs bad targets with PWM Full Tones and to some extent also in PWM Pitch Tones.


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Thanks for all the feedback folks! I do appreciate it. CPT and all of you that hunt in sites with modern trash, hats off to you. I don't how you do it. I hate to whine about iron falsing when that is the only thing I have to deal with at my old colonial era homestead sites.

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8 hours ago, Lodge Scent said:

Thanks for all the feedback folks! I do appreciate it. CPT and all of you that hunt in sites with modern trash, hats off to you. I don't how you do it. I hate to whine about iron falsing when that is the only thing I have to deal with at my old colonial era homestead sites.

We just deal with the hand we are dealt, right? I hunt relics too and feel your pain when it comes to iron falsing. When I suspect iron falsing, l do the wiggle off to find the edge of the iron and if the high tone is at the edge, it's probably big iron, but if it's over 90 ID, I dig it anyway. Some older iron relics can be pretty cool finds and it could just be hiding something even better. ? 

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