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Attributes Of White's MX Sport Metal Detector

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I was in Oklahoma coin hunting with a friend with my MX Sport.

I had the 950 concentric coil on with it in the Coin & Jewelry Mode. Had the Sensitivity set at 5 and had it on 4 tones.

The reason for the concentric coil is I just like it over than a DD coil when coin hunting.. With the sensitivity set at 5 gave me more depth for the ground I was digging in. The ground was like you had stack flat rocks on top of more of the same. I've seen lots of rocky ground but this was beyond rocky. On the number of tones I may up it as time goes by.

Like old home sites most can be a high trash ground to hunt. I found I could pick out a coin in between trash being on both sides without any trouble. The Sport would give me a good reading on my target with no trouble on it's ID. I've hunted with a lot of solid coils over the years but I really like this concentric with the hole in the center. When you pinpoint a coin you can almost see the date through the hole in coil.Haha. My friend sure like the different tones for each coin I would detect.

I have White's TRX pinpointer and the only time had trouble when it got within about a foot of the coil.

Over all I find the MX Sport to be a great coil hunting detector. I've yet to do any nugget hunting so that will come at a later date.

The only thing I think that could be better and that is the detector stand. Unless you put it on level ground it will fall over. I'm going to see what I can come up with to correct the problem. The detector sits so low the elbow hits the ground when put down. This is just below the hand grip. I put a leather wrap to protect it from damage over time of hitting the ground. This is because of the short stand too.



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It has been some trying times but over all I.m glad I made the trip. It's a great detector with all that most would want in a metal detector.

With so hot weather having to hunt in the waterproof  is great because of all the sweat boiling off of you.

It's like you said White's will take care of any problem one may have. I'm one that has been at their door again over and over again.  White's has never used the word no. My MX Sport is on the way now to get the face cover replaced.


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hey, Chuck...glad to see you are happy.

Your saga with that detector reminds me of my wife's used Saturn...it had a great warranty which was a really good thing because the dealership  knew my wife very well...I thought she had a thing for the shop boss she went there so often...(this is a joke.)

my point is good service is fine...a machine that almost never breaks is way, way better!


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I know what your saying. I don't why when it rains you get more of the same. Then you find yourself asking will it ever stop.

The only thing that keeps me going and I say it again it's a great detector.

The Best!


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