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XP Deus 2 Nokta Legend Seated Dimes

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11 minutes ago, Jeff McClendon said:

I returned to a site that had yielded an 1886 US V nickel and an 1876 US Seated silver dime about a month ago when I was using the Equinox 900 with 6" coil.

I had Deus 2 with version 1.0 software and 9" coil along with the Nokta Legend with 6" coil.

The area I was hunting is full of magnetite, square nails, tin of all sizes, all sorts of other iron and sheet lead trash and some other junk within a clearly marked roughly 20'X20' hand stacked stone foundation that is level with the surrounding ground.

I was using Deus 2 version 1.0 with a modified Sensitive #2 program set on Pitch tones/Hi Square audio with sensitivity 90, disc at 6.8, silencer 1, no notch, reactivity 2.5, iron volume 7, audio filter 0, audio response 3, threshold 4. I wanted to see if I had missed a lot of targets using the Equinox 900 due to having only an hour to hunt this site with it at the time.

This time I had 4 hours to hunt.

Let me put it this way. That was an extremely unpleasant hunt 2 hours using Deus 2 version 1.0. I struggled to find any non-ferrous targets. I did manage an 1888 S Seated Liberty dime but I that was basically by accident. There were so many nails in the area where the Seated dime was recovered that were fooling me, I would have probably missed it. The nails in the photo represent the ones that were in good shape. I left around 40 other nails/tin shards sitting behind a boulder at the site.




Interesting.  You were using one of the Programs that were severely affected by the low setting (0, 1, 2) aggressive ver 1.0 Silencer glitch that significantly increased ferrous masking even with high recovery speed settings.  So that may have affected your ability to unmask in iron.  Conversely, the aggressive silencer setting should have also knocked down the nail falsing more, too.  It’s a mixed bag, but I suggest torturing yourself using the same setup but with the ver 1.1 update.  Should reduce the masking but you will be subject to the falsing, however, the increase in silencer filter effect (to mitigate falsing) will be more gradual.  Might better be a able to find a sweet spot Silencer setting that does not over mask while knocking down the falsing.  Also, might want to experiment with the new audio filter in this situation.

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2 minutes ago, Chase Goldman said:


Interesting.  You were using one of the Programs that were severely affected by the low setting (0, 1, 2) aggressive ver 1.0 Silencer glitch that significantly increased ferrous masking even with high recovery speed settings.  So that may have affected your ability to unmask in iron.  Conversely, the aggressive silencer setting should have also knocked down the nail falsing more, too.  It’s a mixed bag, but I suggest torturing yourself using the same setup but with the ver 1.1 update.  Should reduce the masking but you will be subject to the falsing, however, the increase in silencer filter effect (to mitigate falsing) will be more gradual.  Might better be a able to find a sweet spot Silencer setting that does not over mask while knocking down the falsing.  Also, might want to experiment with the new audio filter in this situation.


Silencer 0 was unbearable at that site. Silencer 2 was iron grunt city on everything. Silencer 1 was my only option and it wasn't a good one.

I have hunted near this site with Deus 1 and ORX using Fast and Gold modes. That was a fairly pleasant experience. This was the first time I had used Deus 2 in this area.

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7 minutes ago, Jeff McClendon said:


Silencer 0 was unbearable at that site. Silencer 2 was iron grunt city on everything. Silencer 1 was my only option and it wasn't a good one.

I have hunted near this site with Deus 1 and ORX using Fast and Gold modes. That was a fairly pleasant experience. This was the first time I had used Deus 2 in this area.

I understand.  You may have more luck now dialing Silencer in with V 1.1 because it won’t just go from one extreme to the other in the course of a single step adjustment.  Also suggest trying General or Relic because of soil subtraction and perhaps trying Gold Field and seeing what varying Max F does in those modes.

I’m stuck detecting Parks and Beaches here until fall because the cellar holes and farm fields with iron pollution are mostly now overgrown with poison ivy/bug infested or planted with crops.

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Anyone have an idea about what that tiny spoon shaped relic is in the Deus 2 finds photo?

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25 minutes ago, Jeff McClendon said:

Anyone have an idea about what that tiny spoon shaped relic is in the Deus 2 finds photo?

Blacksmiths used cast iron ladles and spoons for handling molten lead.  Seems small for that, but it's a possibility.

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I am curious about the little "spoon" also. Perhaps to handle Mercury?   The suspender clip is very neat. Nice RF cartridge cases too. .44 Henry?

Hopefully V1.1 will get the D2 lined back out. The Legend does very well in the iron. I keep my first Tone break at 7 to help unmask in small ferrous.  Nice hunt.

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2 hours ago, Jeff McClendon said:

Anyone have an idea about what that tiny spoon shaped relic is in the Deus 2 finds photo?

Great finds, Jeff, well done! Do yourself a favor and update to 1.1, it's so much better.

They tiny spoon could be a measuring spoon of some kind.

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Nice hunt and report Jeff, the spoon may be for pouring lead, but I'd hate to be handling it after a while. ?

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