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Minelab SDC 2300 Video on YouTube

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How much $? and any reviews from real users?

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Hi Steve as you know I've been having a play with the SDC during its development, its been a lot of fun I can tell you. This is one of the best switch on and go detectors I have ever used which includes the GBII in the "best of all time" lists. Absolutely simple to use even for new chums, its the kind of detector you just fold up and leave behind the seat of your car and then pull out on a whim and go detecting.

The top pic is of a nugget I found within a minute of turning on at a favourite crumbing spot I have here on our local goldfields, I've hammered this spot for 14 years now, its extremely variable mineralised dirt, pure magic pinging a nugget so quickly at a well know location.

Second pic is of a speci I found when my son Timothy and I did a run to the local tip and decided to have a detect on the town common on the way home, I only got to use it for a few minutes before my boy commandeered it off me and scored a nugget of his own. 





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Some good conversation going on at http://golddetecting.4umer.net/t18956-sdc2300-minelab-s-new-mid-range-detector#180462

JP, I have to admit to being very skeptical of the SDC 2300 when I first heard about it. As I have learned more about it I am seeing now it may perfectly fit my particular nugget hunting mindset.

The fact is I look at my GPX 5000 as my elephant hunting gun. When I am using it I am set up for and mentally looking for large gold. Despite my best intentions last summer I never did make a serious go of using my GPX 5000 to look for small gold. I even got a new coil for that task, and never did end up using it. The reality is that when I look for small gold my mindset changes and I tend to grab detectors other than the GPX 5000 that I feel are better suited to the task, and that usually means a hot VLF detector. This despite my knowing the GPX will get small gold a VLF cannot. I remember our little go in Oz with the Gold Bugs and you with the GPX and Sadie coil. Chris and I got more little bits, but you pulled up a couple nuggets that outweighed all our little bits together, and which the VLF detectors would not see.

There is a magic gray zone between a hot VLF and a GPX 5000 set up hot with a small coil where I am guessing the SDC is targeted and shines. Just a solid suspicion so far backed up with what you are saying. I can see the picture now. I will leave my 18" mono coil on my GPX 5000 where it belongs (you know I love that coil!) and when I want to switch gears I will just grab the SDC 23000 which is all set to go on the smaller stuff. I am also planning some pretty hardcore backpack in and hunt stuff and the SDC in the rucksack, no external battery, cables, harness, or even headphones needed, is going to fit the bill nicely. Water hunting is just a bonus but knowing me it will see that also. Micro-jewelry is a particular interest of mine.

I guess I have gone from being very skeptical to cautiously optimistic at this point. Honestly the only issue for most people is going to be the price. A real issue for the majority of people who never pay for their detectors by using them. If I had to lay out that kind of cash and not have confidence I could find the gold to cover the outlay it would make me think twice. In my case it will be a race to see how fast I can find two ounces of gold with the SDC by running out and hitting some old patches post haste before others get over the natural tendency to hold back and wait for results. I have got far too few detecting hours under my belt in the last few months but that is about to radically change.

Obviously we all like a machine that can pull big nuggets up real deep. But what about places where bedrock is only inches deep and highly mineralized? There are no big nuggets down in there so no risk of missing them. Like this place I mentioned earlier in the post which I am sure JP you would love to hit with the SDC.


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