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Depar Dpr 600 - New Gold Detector By XP

Steve Herschbach

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It drives home the point how arbitrary and over inflated detector prices are. some companies are worse then others with this.

The manufacturers read forums, they know exactly what people are willing to pay. 

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1 hour ago, jasong said:

It drives home the point how arbitrary and over inflated detector prices are. some companies are worse then others with this.

The manufacturers read forums, they know exactly what people are willing to pay. 

I really dont think they read or listen to forums at all on pricing. If they did most top line machines would be substantially cheaper than what they are? The general consensus I get from reading forums is they are overpriced. Still people are prepared to pay it in the end & pricing seems to be more based on that. Once demand drops so to usually does price.

Maybe demand for the infinitely updatable XP Deus has slowed & they are looking for a low profit but mass sales approach to invigorate short term profits? Maybe if it fails we'll see the surplus offered in places like the US, Australia & the UK? Much like the surplus GMT Superpulse (SPP) & the rumoured reason behind the re-introduction of the GPX4500? I wouldn't be banking on getting one in the short term though unless you can get it shipped from one of the listed countries by a third party.

I've always wondered what would happen or where the XP Deus would head if it ever flatlined i.e. how much new VLF technology/coils can you come up with as "upgrades" to keep the profits flowing? Maybe we are seeing the first signs?

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1 hour ago, AussieMatt said:

I really dont think they read or listen to forums at all on pricing.

I guarantee you they do because I've been asked about my opinion by a marketing rep who said they saw my posts here among other things. They watch a lot, Youtube, Facebook, forums, etc.

The reality today is that companies can get marketing research for free that they used to have to pay for, just by monitoring social media and most of them understand this now.

Some threads on forums get 5000+ views on certain products. On Youtube some detectorists get 1/4 Million+ views a DAY, and those are numbers companies can't ignore if not just for the advertising factor alone. I mean, what's the entire circulation of ICMJ? I bet half of that or less per month.

So when people post about how cheap $1500 for a coil is because of all the nuggets they'll find and pay it off, or how $680 is a great deal that we want here, people should know that what they say online means more than it did 15 years ago and does have some effect on actual pricing. I'm not saying social media is an "ask and ye shall receive" situation, but it's definitely monitored and taken into account, maybe more than people think.

Sorry to get off topic, but if this detector isn't even available for purchase here then I thought it was a good opportunity to talk about pricing since that appears to be the big story here (in addition to Steve's point on the frequency). It's not just the XP, the GPZ is cheaper over there too, and the 5000 is way cheaper. Usually prices go up where the rush is, but we are seeing the opposite. Odd.

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12 minutes ago, jasong said:

On Youtube some detectorists get 1/4 Million+ views a DAY

say what?  I must be watching the wrong Youtube.


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He just had a 500,000 view day yesterday as an example.

I think he's probably at the top if not the highest viewed detectorist though. But even a smaller one like Nugget Noggin just had a 125,000 yesterday.



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22 hours ago, jasong said:

He just had a 500,000 view day yesterday as an example.

I think he's probably at the top if not the highest viewed detectorist though. But even a smaller one like Nugget Noggin just had a 125,000 yesterday.

Once again I realize the real world is different than my myopic view of it.  These subscribed sites apparently generate enough advertising revenue (that's the motivation, right?) that whatever it takes to get followers, that's what they are going to do.  It would be nice if even 10% of those watching are actually seriously considering becoming dectorists themselves.  I don't know the worldwide detector sales and doubt if the manufacturers are going to tell us, but for now it's keeping about a dozen companies in business.  That says something.

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A statement was made on MD-Hunter blog that maybe for the low cost of this new detector was to get revenge on Minelab in the gold detecting market.

The amount we had to pay on the XP Deus I not sure who the revenge was on. Here I can buy about the same detector for less than half as the XP and then go down load the V 3.2. I don't know if it would let me to do that but I'd try.

I'd signed up for their email and one I got in a way looks like I could buy one. Who knows ! I don't plan on that anytime soon. I won't say never because tomorrow I may get a wild hair and do just that.


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