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I have a goldbuddy stallion that I use in ore.nev. deserts wouldlike to know if anyone has this d.w.? If so do you have any suggestions that may help in recovery? I have learned a few things that work for me but looking for more ideas that may help.

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I really likke it , it will work as hard as you want to work it yesterday I ran 160 gallons of classified half in.

Less than an hour at part throttle. It is very good on fuel consumption also . It is pretty big capacity will do a big pile of dirt and rock at the end of the day I was just curious if anyone had ideas on drywashing thanks jack.

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There are no real magic things to do to make a dry washer recover like a wet system.

Just the common sense stuff:

Don't overload the riffles with too much material too fast and don't let the thing run while you are not putting any new material across the riffles.

Always make sure your material is fully dry before you run it - etc.

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I ran the Keene 150 series back 20 years or so ago, yours looks very similar.

I always ran the riffles as flat as I could get away with and it worked well. I had lots of marble sized balls of clay in my dirt that was a real nemesis for complete recovery. I had to classify it and run it through a makeshift ball mill to break it up before using the drywasher. Best advice I can give is to be extra careful when setting up and breaking down as there are some really wicked pinch points on that thing capable of really ruining your day---make sure you have no weight on the frame when you "pull the pins".

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Thanks dusty. We wondered how much degree we could get away with on riffles instructions didn't really say much, experimented alittle though with engine rpm found off idle recovered better with small gold. I will play with the slope a little more thanks

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I like posts that get me poking around for more information. I do believe Gold Buddy has been purchased by Jobe Wholesale. Jobe is a very large distributor of many of the most common prospecting items and supplies many prospecting and mining stores. They have been buying up many small manufacturers and suppliers over the years.

The Stallion is the largest of three Gold Buddy drywashers and looks like a decent unit to me, though I really know nothing about drywashers!



Gold Buddy Stallion Drywasher

Many ads for the unit mention it coming with a free DVD, though maybe not in all cases. The 60 minute DVD is called Working The Drywasher with Mojave John. Did your drywasher come with the DVD Rick, and is it any good? Or anyone else seen it and can comment?



Working The Drywasher DVD

I have a book by Jim Straight called Successful Drywashing. This thread finally made me read it! It is 45 pages in two sections. Section a-k is one page photos and descriptions of old model drywashers. Pages 1-34 comprise the actual book. That 34 pages is packed with about everything I could have hoped to learn about drywashing, and in fact I need to read it again a bit slower this time. If you know as little as I about drywashing this little $9.95 book is a good investment in my opinion.



Successful Drywashing by Jim Straight

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No I never received any cd.or information on gold staiiion when we bought it 2 years ago. Trial and error method tells it all if you have been checking behind yourself frequently. I think were getting it down pretty good now. We can recover very very small gold by runnlng rpm low it still shakes the box good and the airpump is still delivering big volume. I will check the book out for sure though maybe get cd also. The test holes I dug ln winn. Above where you found your first nev. Nugget turned out looking pretty good using dry washer I ran 525 gallons of material from 3 holes and got around 5 gr. Not counting the nugget you seen that came out of one of these holes. Not a bad trip I guess still had 11 plus gr.all together.

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Rick there are other options , I tried to show a pic of a dry mixer but cant load the image ? wants a URL instead of browse images .

Me being a goose at this sort of stuff maybe someone can help 


Whoops  :unsure:


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