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The Latest On The Deus V4 High Frequency Gold Coils


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So I'm not a gold prospector and don't have gold around.  I do have a gram of gold of small pickers my son and I panned for fun.

What kind of test do you want to see done with the HF coil?  As a coin/park hunter and a few hours hunting with the new HF today I can definitely say it's not for me.  The lowest frequency isn't low enough to avoid the deus' affinity for calling aluminum/canslaw coins.  I typically use 8k or 12k.  The lowest on the new coils is ~13.3k - 15.6k.  The higher frequencies absolutely slam low conductors.  Nickel ID is 66 on 15k, 80 on 30k, and 87 on 55k.  zinc and higher is crammed in the 95-98 id range on the highest freq.  So great for micro jewelry hunters and prospectors.  I've started some vids on youtube with the same user but won't link since it could be viewed as advertising.  


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Seconded on posting the vids. Any idea what ID range square nails, rusty old tin can bits or old pieces of blasting caps (if you happen to have any of those) ring up as compared to the pickers you have at 30 and 55k?

How easy is it to switch between frequencies? Can you configure it so it's like 1 button/trigger push, or does it require a lot of scrolling through menus?

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Guest Tnsharpshooter

I wonder why Xp didn't make a 6x9" coil,,,using the original frequencies??

I would have been interested in one of those,,,,if separation could have been increased over 9" round coil.

At least I can get the pinpointer and be happier.

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