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The Latest On The Deus V4 High Frequency Gold Coils


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That's why I didn't invest yet...................I am still in 3.2 and with the XP old 9"....................no way I am spending extra money now that I master my F75 DST with the tiny elliptical........




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I have a theory - that is all it is. When chasing gold nuggets it is common for gold in mineralized ground to read ferrous. Many nugget detectors that feature ferrous disc either have it preset at a very conservative level or allow you to adjust it to be conservative. All this really means is you dig more ferrous to miss less gold.

Or a detector can be set so the operator digs less junk, but then they miss some good targets.

There is no magic solution here because the gold and ferrous ranges overlap. That's just the way it is. So all you can do is decide where you want to draw the line on a sliding scale. The Minelab X-Terra 705 Iron Mask function illustrates this very well:


I am just guessing that 3.2 is aimed more at "normal" users. V4 was obviously designed to enhance the gold capability of the Deus. One big factor was expanding the ferrous range lower because previously anything that fell in that very low ferrous range could not be detected by 3.2 no matter what you did. There may be other changes that make V4 less prone to missing gold but more prone to identifying ferrous targets as non-ferrous. This may require different thinking as far as how disc settings are applied in V4.

Gary Blackwell of XP has claimed in a recently posted XP instructional video about V4 software that older version 2 and 3.2 software "filters" were built into the Deep and Hot preset programs, respectively. Unfortunately he does not explain what that really means. However, person might start with the Hot program which supposedly employs 3.2 filtering and modify it to resemble whatever program you normally use and see how it compares on ferrous targets by flipping between the two.

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I may be banging an old drum, but 3.2 couldn't signal on a small piece of platinum jewelry in somewhat hot ground in tracking or with fixed ground balance.

My E-trac hit it and my X-terra 705 hit it, both in tracking. Both with 0 disc. So I appologise for my lack of enthousiasm about their new offering. Minelabs let you hear the minerals, V3.2 is mineral dead.

Maybe V4 will finally give me a lightweight mineralised ground jewelry digger,... but I'm not willing to invest in order to test. Having way too much fun with the other gear.

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If 3.2 and the old coils did the trick there would be no need for V4 and the new HF coils. Everyone including XP agrees with you. And since you've got it covered already with other detectors no reason to be enthusiastic or even interested at all.

I can't claim to be enthusiastic at this point but I am still interested. Enough so to invest to test anyway. Latest word of the elliptical coil points at a mid-July release so I hope to have one in latter July.


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I took V4 abd the standard 11" coil to my testing grounds to play with negative disc. My thinking is it may be useful for fine jewelry that overlaps the iron range. The ground was very moist from rain the day before. Anyway, I only had time for a few digs but I ran a 10' x 20' area that I've just beaten the piss out of and it no longer produces. It didn't give up anything to V4.0 either, but I attempted to dig 5 different non-ferrous sounding signals and each time the target was extremely small iron bits about the size of a half grain of short rice and smaller. 3 of the signals, the last three, I never recovered from the soil in my hand. Whatever was causing the TRX to beep couldn't be seen.

Working back to the truck I hit on several .22 short casings that were banging at VDI 92 up to 95 and 3-4 inches deep. That was a first time seeing that.

I used both 18 and 12 frequency and I had GB set one point positive and I stayed on top of it. Mineralization bar was fully lit pumping. Swinging the coil the bar was two segments from fully lit the entire time. I'm not sure what to think.

There was a discussion on Tnet about the filters Gary mentions are resident in V4 a week or so ago. I think it just added more confusion about the Deus for awhile.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I happened to see that thread and your post. GaryB posted 24 hours earlier in the same thread. When I went back to see what reply you'd gotten I couldn't find the thread - the French have a reputation of thin skin for some reason. :laugh:


In school I studied marketing with an eye towards advertising graphic design, and I never have seen a marketing cluster-fugggh like I've seen out of XP with this 4.0/Hardware fiasco. For students it would make a great study in what not to do from a marketing perspective. Trickle down information heard through the grapevine...


Speaking of, this is great marketing :



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Deleting my post instead of answering it definitely left a bad taste in my mouth. Here is what I posted that was deemed so bad it had to go:

"The latest rumor now for availability of the elliptical coil is mid-July. Would it kill XP to post a clear and definitive explanation of the when the coil will be available?"

For an outfit that designed a coil and update aimed specifically at prospectors XP is sure doing a lousy job of outreach to the prospecting community.


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To me it seems the deleted post, that was your answer.

If that's what you get for laughing at the Hitler/Deus video....

I probably get no more warranty! :laugh:


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