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I would like to ask a question (and I hope this question does not turn political) What is the opinion or  thoughts of most of you boys on the other side of the world about unfilled detector holes left by others. Here in Australia we are have a big problem with unfilled detector holes to the extent that some of our goldfields could be shut down because of it. Is it a problem over there and how do you guys combat it. Please guys just general comments as I don't want this to get heated and removed as I know it can be a touchy subject.

Wombat :wink: 

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Hi Wombat,

You're always going to find a lazy a-- who ruins it for the rest of us. But generally I have not seen much unfilled holes ..when I do I just do a boot scrub and fill it in. Another Thing that annoys the Hell out of me  is trash left behind. Perhaps the dealers and detector manufacturers should do a better job educating new people in the hobby....dig-it / fill - it or lose it! 

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Here is one that pissed me off enough I took a picture of it - about a meter deep! I had visions of somebody wandering around in the dark to take a leak, stepping in this and breaking a leg. Yes, I filled it in.


The thing is the dirt is right there, if you are planning it, right next to the hole, ready to push in. I mean, how hard can it be?



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People are same regardless where you live on this planet.

If they can get away it many try and do.

It comes in my opinion is how you were brought up at a home.

Seems many lack in this department.

As i was not born in Australia i was blown away but untouched beauty of this continent.

I love nature and nothing in this world can beat it or create something better then nature.

I do not necessary  love all creatures when i go detecting but i believe they are put on this planet for a reason and they do their own bit and are important part of it.(even a little spiders)

My impression of this row beauty of country quickly disappeared once i went detecting for a  first time.

Amount of rubbish intentionally left there was unbelievable.

i am glad that many times through our detecting association we have clean up days.We get together with park ranger do our bit and have a nice bbq at the end.

I like this hobby and what it has to offer.Friendship ,nature, camping, talks around camp fires, laughs, gold stories, escapes of busy city life etc.

Apart from holes left over (which most of us fill up ) there is one thing i really hate with passion.

Detectors who find a piece of rubbish then leave it again in a hole and fill it up.

Sure enough i am enough experienced now to recognize already dig holes but i just want and take out that piece of rubbish other leave.

These people are not good for this hobby and i find this quiet mean as it is done on purpose.

Could be sheer laziness but i have my doubts.

Please do the right thing when in a nature.Respect every bit and it will give u back all what  you expect and tenfold more.

Take care and stay safe.

And dig all.






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Yes Steve I know what you mean and saying. We are having the same problem here in Australia. We are constantly fighting the bureaucrats here, and we have many, that would love to shut us down. It is even getting harder to go onto private property. Either by prospectors jumping fences without owners permission. Or with permission still leaving holes open on the farmers land. I keep telling everyone " it is harder to dig a hole, than it is to fill it". It only takes a few selfish people to spoil it for all. I have been to a few places where there are a lot of open holes and tell tale marks to indicate that there was a lot of activity done by a prospector or prospectors with a detector. So I hit that area to firstly see what they were finding, if it was just trash or gold. If it was gold I say "thank you" for showing me where it was. So for those people that leave these tell tale marks and open holes "Why are you leaving a bread crumb tail for others to follow??? I'm out there looking for clues all the time and this is one of them and some times it pays. One time a took a group out prospecting to a fairly well known area. One chap only had a Ex -Tra 705 and was mainly looking for relics. Well this area had a detector operator go through earlier leaving his holes wide open for everyone to see. So this chap with the 705 decided to check out some of these holes to see if he had found rubbish and just chucked it back in. As I said he was only looking for relics. You would not believe it, in the side of one of these hole he found 1.5 oz nugget that this other operator had missed. The guy with the 705 would have missed it or not even looked if it was not for this other detector operator holes. This person was telling us "hey guys dig here there is plenty of targets to be found" So please everyone "Fill in your holes. You may want to come back to that spot one day and finish it of. So why show others your spot by leaving holes open and leaving modern day trash lying around. 

wombat :wink:

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I was detecting in a local privately owned military park where my friend had permission some years back. I was in shock when I came across numerous gopher holes he had dug and absolutely refused to backfill in the grass lawns. I filled them in myself and he cussed me out .Needless to say we were no longer friends after that. Out in Arizona in Lynx/Rose creek, on private property, were numerous large holes.

I filled in a couple but it was next to useless. I later heard it was gold clubs doing the digging. You would think they would be  the more responsible ones?

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Read the forums and you'd think 100% of people fill their holes. It's not like people chime in and admit they are lazy.

I know of a couple sweet spots on private property that are now closed due to lazy slobs.

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What really annoys me is, I see this topic come up on forums every few months and then see some of the most vocal posters come onto our station and leave the most rubbish and unfilled holes and usually in places where they are not supposed to be.

The theft and vandalism by prospectors is another problem all together.

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Like Steve I tend to do my detecting during off hours and in out of the way places and inclement weather...

I rarely come across other detectorists and when I do we have an amicable conversation regarding edicate. When i come across holes or trash I repair the situation and wish I could cross paths with the lazy SOB........ 

I'll let your imagination go from there.

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