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Fine Gold Recovery Devices for Cheap?

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Anybody got a cheap way to recover fine gold from concentrates that can be used indoors and is about idiot proof? I found some Miller table setups on Ebay and from Martin Prospecting in South Carolina but I'd rather not fork over more than $100 for a home setup. I know a GoldCube is made for this also, but $500 is a bit much for those of us on a tight budget. One thing I did like about the Martin Prospecting Miller table is the small hole at the head of the table into which you can sweep the gold with a tiny paintbrush which eliminates the use of a snuffer bottle. A vial is screwed into the bottom of the hole to catch your clean gold. They want $250 plus with shipping for this unit. I saw a homemade unit like this on YouTube made with wood and parts from Hobby Lobby. Has anybody made one of them?

-Tom V.

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X2 on the blue bowl. I have been usin one for 25+years. Now I use it for capturing the ultra fine gold out of my jewelry machinery. It will capture down to 2micron size gold, I poured the fines out of the blue bowl into the pan to let it drypost-17-0-73155500-1410877036_thumb.jpg

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 I know a GoldCube is made for this also, but $500 is a bit much for those of us on a tight budget.


Gold Cubes are not made for fine recovery. They're good for concentrating your concentrates. You're still going to need to classify further after the Gold Cube. Blue Bowl or Miller Table is the final stop, unless you want to start playing with chemicals.

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Small amounts of gold can be separated by panning and using the "tap the edge of the pan" method.


I have a BB but use the above mentioned method most of the time because the BB is so darn slow.

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How do I classify my fines for the Blue Bowl  without having to spend a lot of money on various mesh screens? What mesh is window screen? How about them colander things we use in the kitchen with the cone shape fine wire mesh? I watched several YouTube Blue Bowl videos but they don't really explain how the Blue Bowl works or the theory behind it? I never saw the gold results afterwards either?

   I actually do have one of these bowl things but never felt very confident on using it, so it sits on a shelf. Guess I need to get brave and try it out before winter gets here. I printed out some directions for using it tonite, will need to look it over and see what parts I have  or need to buy yet.

Thanks for all the responses.



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