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How And Why I Review Metal Detectors

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Hope you change your mind...your allowed to do that. Your reviews have really helped since I started detecting in 2014. I realize that it must take lots of time to do them...and then get bashed by a few dim wits must be disappointing to no end. But now that I think about it all I would really like to see is you out finding stuff....with  pictures... etc and which detector you are using at the time with a few comments about the detector and that would be help enough. Happy Hunting Steve


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Good morning strick,

This testing and reporting stuff actually is work and takes huge amounts of time. It eats deeply into my “fun detecting”. If anything I will now be focused on more serious detecting projects. I can see me going after the endless number of places in Alaska I have never visited where pound plus nuggets are still hiding. I probably know more about where those places might be than anyone alive. As far as posting I intend on just being another Joe on the forum who posts now and then about his detecting. I am one who reserves my right to change my mind any time I want about anything so no worries there! :smile:

The irony is a couple years ago I thought I was on a path that was going to take me to dealerships and shows around the country as a Minelab rep and dealer trainer. I was willing to ditch my impartiality just to find a way to get more involved instead of less. Again not a money thing I just thought it would be fun. It would have put me face to face with any of you who had wanted to have that opportunity to chat detectors. Unfortunately it did not work out, and in my life it really is a case of one door closing and other doors opening. It turned out to all be for the best for me personally and now I am off on a totally new and exciting direction in my life, but it does mean now that my attention is simply somewhere else more than detecting.

Thanks and happy hunting to you also!

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On 5/28/2019 at 7:34 PM, steveg said:


I'm really sorry you had to endure that garbage.  You are a great guy -- and it's really sad that some seem to enjoy slandering and taking pot shots at others, about whom they know very little, if anything.

Thanks for what you do, and for making this forum available for us.


I am a big boy and have endured far worse in my life. This is nothing, nothing at all really except this. I am not all that great - just a guy, but I really am just a big kid at heart. I like playing with toys and having fun. These people take the fun out of it and the problem actually is the opposite of what they think. I am not in it for the money. If I was I would simply deal with it just like I dealt with all that other far worse stuff. No, it was for fun and truly for pats on the head. It feels nice to help people and simply get thanked for it. Anyway, water under the bridge. Many thanks to you in return Steve, especially for your continuing great Equinox posts.

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Steve, all I can say is DITTO. The target on the back scenario is a tiresome thing. In my case my main motivator over the years has always been from remembering what it was like when I was inexperienced and hungry for information. Don’t get me wrong the old ego loves a good petting and it sure does feel good when you can help in some small way or correct a misunderstanding, but the constant misinformation and supposed expertism wear you down.

I too crave solace in anonymity and want to get back to the fun factor, I find it interesting after reading my comments to you from 5 years ago how we both seem to have come to a very similar conclusion. I made a New Years resolution to try and post more on your forum and have done so but in my many attempts at correcting what I often feel is “Fake News” I find myself constantly having to defend myself and my ethics. It seems packing what I write with useful and factual information is not what people want especially if it goes against the popular consensus, science and the truth of a matter no longer seem to count if it doesn’t fit in with ‘WANT’. BTW I fully accept and own my part in the reactions I tend to generate from others, it takes more than one to tango. :laugh:

Bravo Steve for stepping into a ‘Brave New World’, its nice to know your still going to be around having fun.


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Hello JP and yes, you have taken plenty of hits over the years. You went way out of your way to help this GP newbie ages ago and I owe it to you for helping me get up to speed much faster. I’ll never match you for technical knowledge but you have done your best to try and educate me! I don’t have many friends but you have always been one to me so thank you.

I’m not going anywhere. I am here at least every day on the forum and that can’t change. Labor of love here and I do get to drop the hammer on a troll now and then, so a bit cathartic! :laugh:


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