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Hi All :biggrin:
I was hoping some of you might be able to clear somethings up for me please.
When you GB,
Do you do the "walk and sweep" method and then "ferrite balance"?
Can you only pick one method?
IF only one method allowed, then how do you decide which one to use?
Also, is there any "list" so to speak of showing different gold modes and ground types combinations to help know what depths and sizes you are targeting?
HY/Normal = ? Hy/Difficult = ? Hy/Severe = ?
General/Normal = ? General/Difficult = ? General/Severe = ?
ExtraDeep/Normal = ? ExtraDeep/Difficult = ? ExtraDeep/Severe = ?

I have found "info" regarding settings for large deep nuggets but what if I also wanted to check for small shallow gold?
What settings would suit small, shallow bits?

Sorry to ask so much in one go :)

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Of course, Jonathan Porter and Steve are the go to experts...That said, read the manual and follow the directions for GB-ing.

Then do what I do, read every post regarding the GPZ and write the settings in a small note-pad. Yes, I use pen and paper.

The figure 8 pattern for the ferrite is a good start.

The area you detect in will largely determine your settings...in HY normal, smoothing off, and other setting to suit your ears you will find grain sized pieces and IF there are big ones lurking you will get them....trust the GPZ. No better nugget detector has ever seen the light of day-in my not so humble opinion.


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Thanks Fred :smile:

I usually do the figure 8 pattern with the ferrite but I wasn't 100% if that's all that needed to be done.

So, if I have this right....

You can either do the "walk and sweep"


The "figure 8 pattern with ferrite"

They are 2 different techniques to GB.

Thanks again,much clearer now and reassures me I am correctly setting up my machine.


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Sorry Fred,

You mentioned "tuning your ears" for small sized gold. If I have my machine setup in HY/NORMAL, sens: 6, smoothing off, will that pick up small sized gold? 

I understand you have to listen for the faint breaks in threshold but is there a settings combination that focuses more on smaller gold?

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Welcome to the forum!

Older GPZ threads are in the GPZ 7000 Archive

More recent threads that have not made it to the archive yet (those posted in the last year) can be found using the GPZ 7000 Tag

You can get very specific on finding information on specific subjects by using the Advanced Forum Search

For instance here is the result GPZ 7000 Ferrite

The modes and tuning methods people use are specific to their locations and hunting habits. Two people each using a GPZ 7000 at the same location may have vastly different ideas about what settings are best and how to set the machine up. Truthfully this subject has been discussed in great detail on the forum so do please avail yourself of the resources above. I unfortunately am on another mission right now so will leave it there and for others to chime in.

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I always balance using the ferrite. During a training session where I buried a nugget for the trainee to test on, I was demonstrating the two methods of ground balance. 

We did a ferrite assisted ground balance on my machine and the signal on the test target was clear and consistent. 

We then did a walk and swing ground balance on the trainees unit and approached the target, and the signal was barely there and on repeated swings would easily be dismissed as a ground noise. We then did a Ferrite assisted ground balance on the trainees 7000 and the signal was nice and clear. 

Regardless of what has been written on the topic, that demonstration was enough proof to my trainee and also to myself, to always use the Ferrite. 

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Hey STEVE!!!! :smile:

I have read heaps of your posts, Amazing work mate!!

Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply to me. I will go through the above links you provided and I'm sure that will clear a lot of things up for me.

Good luck with your "mission" and I look forward to your future posts :biggrin:

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Hey PhaseTech :biggrin:

Thanks for the reply mate,

I have always used the ferrite but I wasn't 100% if that I should be doing the walk and sweep method as well.

All good now mate, I was doing it right but confirmation builds confidence in the field.



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The ferrite method is to insure the GPZ gets a proper ferrite sample to work with, which it needs to achieve a good ground balance. Most ground has naturally occurring ferrite and in such ground the naturally occurring ferrite does the job. People who normally work in this type of ground use the ferrite ring and see no real improvement, and that is where the confusion starts about the benefits.

However, there is ground that lacks enough ferrite to provide that needed reference point, and this is when using the ferrite ring is critical. You could try and guess when those ferrite free ground situations occur, and just use the ferrite ring then, but the fact is you just don't know. Safe answer - use the ferrite ring.

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Thanks again Steve,

I will stick to what you recommend and keep using the ferrite ring.

My only other concern is....

I'm just worried when I'm out that I am not picking up the smaller pieces....

I have only found 1 piece so far, it was 2..5g at about 2-3 inches max depth and it screamed at me, I couldn't miss it!!

Maybe I just need to get more confident tuning my ear to the faint repetitive breaks in threshold.

Sometimes I just worry I am digging at ground noise and second guess things...

Time and experience will hopefully fix these bugs for me....


Thanks again for your input, I really appreciate it mate!!


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