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XP Deus 74 Khz Elliptical Coil - I'm Impressed!

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Hello Steve.

Just noticed you sold the new xp deus hf coil.

What happened, or what went wrong with experiment "XP DEUS V4 -HF ELIPTICLE" ???

Was kinda hoping you'd found the "do-it-all" holy grail you and others were looking for, including myself.

Any updated info, or maybe you have a write up in waiting.


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The Deus is very close to being that magic "do-it-all" machine, and definitely is for lots of people.

In theory I like the idea of one machine that can do everything. However, in the end those types of machines tend to get complicated, and if anything this second visit with the Deus helped highlight again for me why having detectors that are focused on the specific task at hand has always worked better for me.

The V3i and Deus suffer from a similar issue as regards my detecting style while nugget detecting. I have always preferred "workhorse" detectors. The idea of my Deus or V3i rolling around in the back of the truck with the shovels and picks just does not sit well with me. The Deus in particular seems dainty to me. Tiny buttons, tiny wires, tiny connections, delicate charging clips, etc. For a task like nugget detecting where I prefer an old beat up pickup truck it seems more like driving a nice French sports car. This is a purely subjective and straight up personal perspective sort of thing, but there it is. The reality is the deus is extremely popular with large numbers used around the world for many years and any real concerns about durability would have been uncovered by now.

Then there are all the settings and options, most that have nothing to do with nugget detecting. The Deus was quite obviously designed without nugget detecting in mind. The Gold Field program itself was a late addition, and V4.0 seeks to address other areas in which the Deus has fallen short as a nugget detector. XP in my opinion has largely succeeded in their goal in this regard.

I had this idea that basically I could have the Deus with two coils, 11" round and HF elliptical, and not only tackle most anything but possibly eliminate several other detectors. But in head to head tests on small gold in the field with ferrous trash and hot rocks, I found that if left to my own devices, that there are several nugget detectors I would rather grab than the Deus. Specifically, I thought I might keep the Deus and get rid of the Fisher Gold Bug 2, Makro Gold Racer, Minelab Gold Monster 1000, Nokta Impact, and Teknetics G2. Faced with actual reality however, if next summer I had all those machines in one pile, and the Deus as an option, I would be grabbing and using those other machines while the Deus would go idle.

Now I am not trying to pick on the Deus, and frankly would just let it quietly go, but you asked.

I like a detector that is more or less set up like the Makro Gold Racer. Three pounds or under, with lots of inexpensive plug in coil options. The detector itself can use rechargeable batteries but I am not fond of coils with batteries. Wireless headphones (with plug in headphone option) are good. I do like a large, readable screen and a built in external speaker with lots of volume.

The Teknetics G2 is another machine that hits a sweet spot with me for getting the job done with a minimum of fuss. In fact, I can see myself eventually upgrading it with either a Fisher F19 or Teknetics G2+ as I would appreciate having more tone and volume control.

Anyway, it is mostly a detecting style issue more than anything. What I really want I guess is a Deus stuffed in a Fisher F75 housing with wired coils. The Nokta Impact is actually pretty close and would be killer if it topped out at something higher than 20 kHz. I decided for what I am doing and how I do it the G2/GM1000/Gold Racer combo stays and the Deus goes away. The HF coils are in short supply right now so I figured it was a good time to sell it. My Deus 11"/WS5 combo will probably go up for sale also at the end of the month.

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Thanks for an honest reply. sorry it just didn't work for you.

So, using each of the VLF machines that you have, (G2/GM1000/GB2/GR) as benchmarks, how did the deus compete, performance wise, on a 1 to 1, direct segment comparison. e.g. high freq gold bug 2 vs deus at 80 kHz, and gold racer/GM1000 vs deus at 60 kHz, ect, ect.

Did it win, or was it strong, or could it at least compete in any direct comparison test at similar freq's, with your current vlf's. How close was it? splitting hairs close, or night and day away?

Performance / depth only... leave ergonomics, screen size, batteries, handling, charging cables aside.



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It's definitely hair splitting type differences. Not anything I can quantify in chart form as my testing was neither that rigorous nor scientific. All we are talking is a few hours comparing gold nuggets and other targets in the field as I found them. I cannot claim to have mastered the Deus well enough to say I had it tuned to perfection and that my tests were not therefore unfair. All I try to do is decide what machines I would rather use. I was not looking to present proof to others about anything and would never have brought any of this up if not asked directly about it.

Rest assured that if the Deus blew the other machines away for actual performance then all my other "issues" would not matter at all. That said, in my opinion the Deus HF coils are quite capable and any competent electronic prospector should be able to use them and find gold nuggets. I know I can at least - see first post in this thread. It holds its own with dedicated prospecting machines in its frequency class, and that is saying a lot. The hair splitting I will leave to others.

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Rather than compare a multi-purpose detector like the Deus to dedicated nugget machines, here are my "apple to apple" ratings of three similar detectors...

XP Deus Base Unit (no controller) $799 plus $425 HF elliptical = $1224
Least expensive Deus with controller $1230 plus $425 = $1655
Two coils, run at any one of 4, 8, 12, 18, 14, 30, and 59 or 74 kHz

Nokta Impact $849
One coil, run at any one of 5, 14, or 20 kHz

White's V3i $1224
One coil, run at 2.5, 7.5, 22.5 kHz, either separately or all three at once (true multifrequency operation)


 Nugget Detecting

  1. XP Deus
  2. Nokta Impact
  3. White's V3i

Detecting In Dense Iron

  1. XP Deus
  2. Nokta Impact
  3. White's V3i

Coin Detecting In Groomed Parks

  1. White's V3i
  2. Nokta Impact or XP Deus

Detecting On Saltwater Beach

  1. White's V3i
  2. Nokta Impact
  3. XP Deus

Jewelry Detecting

  1. White's V3i
  2.  Nokta Impact or XP Deus
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Hi Steve, I have to say I never have shared your opinion of how durable the Deus is.:blink: I have never babied mine. I think it's one of the best built detectors I have owned.

After waiting forever it seems, I recently received an elliptical Deus coil. Just my luck the blasted thing won't accept a charge! Tried loading version 4 multiple times. Tried two different charging clips, one brand new, both of which work on my 9".  Moe at Detector Electronics is treating me great by sending another coil right away, but I had to forward it to one of those Quincy pirates as I am heading that way. I hate to venture what may happen to my precious coil at the hands of that scoundrel.

I did run the elliptical for about 1/2 hour. I think I am really going to like version 4 and the elliptical. I look forward to exploring the new capabilities  further when I finally get my hands on my new coil.  I ran the XY screen on the HOT program in a bed of iron and was initially impressed for a short test. Iron that wraps, seemingly is easily identified with the XY screen where as before with version 3.2, many times I would use a program  switch to 4khz to identify these confusing targets. Although the technique/screen is different with the XY screen the end result is easier iron ID reminiscent of the CTX target trace.

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In my opinion the Deus has been proven more than durable enough - as proven by huge numbers of users around the world. I was just trying to describe how I like a more traditionally configured detector better. I knew I was going to regret posting about getting rid of that coil....    :cool:

Make me really regret it by finding some great stuff!!

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