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Eating GPZ Crow

Guest Jennifer

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Guest Jennifer

My compliments to the chef, this crow I'm eating tonight is delicious :blush: 

Note: these are post CLR/ultrasonic clean....  

You all know I've been pretty "honest" about my love for my 5000 and the frustrations I've had with Zeddie but she blew me away today on these three from the King Tut Placers (Gold Basin). They were down 3/4 of a foot or so and were clear as day, sung like a jay bird beautiful weee woooo dig me dig me signal.... 

Weights (in grains)

1.7 grains, 2.2 grains, and 3.1 grains.... :th:

Very thin pieces, as can be seen in the leaning on the dime photo.... It looks like Zeddie's sleeping on the couch today, not standing up in the corner like usual. :4chsmu1:

I know my 5000 and 17x13 Evo would have missed them, I tested similar size... with the Sadie, maybe but these sounded like they were right on the surface, one was in a dig hole (thank you whomever left it).

I'll eat GPZ crow all day long if it tastes like this.

Note: I also tested on a 1.2 ouncer at DEEEEEP depth and was blown away how loud it was, even at sens 4.

Green stripe shot is prior to cleanup.

My favorite is the one that looks like a little shopping cart. :rolleyes:





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On you Jen the 5000 is no slouch and that`s for sure but the Zs got the edge once its gained your confidence. 

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Guest Jennifer
7 minutes ago, Norvic said:

On you Jen the 5000 is no slouch and that`s for sure but the Zs got the edge once its gained your confidence. 

Thanks Norvic.

That's what it always has been, regardless of platform we move up to... faith and confidence that your not missing a piece in the background chatter and the same trust that when you get over a piece, your hardware will stop you up to dig.... that only comes with time on the ground... a dedicated GPZ use only month in Rye Patch and another in Gold Basin is starting to give me that faith...


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Guest Jennifer

PS: these were found in high yield, normal, sens 10 (and then sens increased to 16 to help me pinpoint a bit) and no ground or audio smoothing. I'm forcing myself to run wide open as much as possible, and it's working out.

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I think the GPX is a better choice for some people and places, and the GPZ better for others. I still consider the GPX 5000 the default "safe" choice because there are places where the GPZ suffers with alkali conditions and certain hot rocks. The GPX can made to behave under almost any conditions and the coil selection is of course unbeatable. And coils can make or break the hunt in some places.

People coming from a VLF straight to the GPZ probably feel more at home than longtime SD/GP/GPX users making the same move.

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Guest Jennifer
15 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

People coming from a VLF straight to the GPZ probably feel more at home than longtime SD/GP/GPX users making the same move.

I'm just reading your "Steve's Insanely Hot GPZ 7000 Settings" article as we speak (thank you for it by the way) and your comment above makes perfect sense, as does the article to me know.... 

I think the most important statement you can try to sink into someone learning a 7000 is this "GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD THAT A NOISY THRESHOLD MEANS YOUR WALKING OVER SMALL TARGETS, FORGET ABOUT YOUR 5000 SMOOTHNESS" 

Your article mentions the change from a 5000 to a 7000 being one of wanting a baby soft smooth threshold (in the GPX platform) to the 7000 of jittery noise is a key psychological item to get over... it sure was for me.... every swing I felt like I was missing stuff, till I actually ignored the Sybil voice in my head (I have several :tongue:) telling me to grab the GPX from the truck and be "safe and smooth" as you put it...

My finally accepting this new threshold as "ok and the norm" only came after hours and hours and days and weeks of torture thinking I was missing stuff but eventually finding gold and as a result, obtaining that confidence mentioned earlier.


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Well there are also Lunk's Zed Settings which try to achieve that smooth threshold. Another case of different strokes for different folks when it comes to settings. Lunk and I differ on settings but we share a crazy similar patience for hard core gridding that is the real trick as far as I am concerned.

All I know is what works for me and my GPZ has been set up with my Insane Settings ever since I wrote the article. I've said time and again they are not for everyone but it is the only way I run my machine. I know every nuance of the sound and I just roll along all day listening to the machine. Yeah, it is making sounds but they are not nugget sounds. I get pulled up short by nuggets, and the kicker is if I find nuggets and try any other settings before digging them up the nuggets just disappear. I have my own confidence issue knowing if I back off I will miss nuggets I have been finding, so I can't back off. I control the machine purely by controlling the coil. Moans and groans I just slow way down and use them rather than fight them - the nuggets pop right through.

But I am not going to ever make a case that anyone can or should run that way. You either come on it naturally as you are doing Jen, or not at all. For me personally I am just happy to see you finding gold, be it with a GPX or a GPZ or whatever. :smile:

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Just get the coil over it and the GPZ will tell you it's there or not. I found a nickel close to 24 inched deep up in Rye Patch with a sensitivity setting at 7 in Normal ground. This was over a push so I assumed that it was buried by the tractor years earlier. Any way most of the time we are not over the gold which is when we wonder if we are missing anything. This was my GPZ moment about two years ago and I've been going to church ever since 



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Guest Jennifer

Thank you for the link Strick, I'll read the thread after dinner, much appreciated.


PS: I took a quick peek and yup, you're a brutha frum anudda mudda.... nice to know others have walked in my shoes... it gets better :rolleyes:

"I must admit that I have not had much confidence in my Zed. Yea I've found a few small nuggets with it but given the choice I usually grab the 2300 when I want to find gold. I understand the 2300's language much easier. The problem with the Zed for me was the ground noise. It was distracting me to no end. I felt like I could be passing over a deep nugget and miss it due to all the chatter the machine was making."

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