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How Do You Buy ?

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I walk into a major electronics store here or see their ad it's says Good Better Best. I'd say most of us try to stay in the income level we're in. This wholes true when we are looking for a detector to buy.

This may not whole true anymore with the price drop of some high dollar detectors that we see coming on the market. When we see a price drop we also see that product put in the price range of more buyers. You're not a good buyer anymore you've gone beyond that and you find yourself buying the best. It may been a hard push to get there but you know that detector will be the best for you for years to come.

In 91 I put down 725.00 dollars for a at that time was a high dollar detector but it still detects The thing is all these years later for almost the same money I can buy a detector that will run circles around my old one.

That's my thinking but I want to know yours.


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Phones are the electronics I see with more and more bang for your buck.  Before that it was a laptop computer and before that were the desktops!


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I bet detector manufacturers wished that their old machines had been more like laptop computers.  A 5 year old laptop is very unlikely to be working and even if it is, won’t be of much use.  A 5 year old metal detector is just aboit broken in!

They’d sell a lot more new machines if they died after a few years like computers tend to do.

companies like Whites have trained us over the years to expect that a 20 uear old dectector can be fixed good as new for a hundred bucks or so.  I think those days are aboit gone.  Newer machines are mostly only repairable by board replacement and the supply of boards for old machines is limited.


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Very true RR, for our money now we get much more bang when it comes to detectors and electronic stuff. Even more value if we look at instead of using money we use gold, a ounce now will buy a fully featured VLF but back in the 70-80s when they started to become popular you needed a few ounces. In reliability and ruggedness detectors are way on top, considering the way we treat them, bouncing around in the back of utes, dust, water, heat, cold etc.

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