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Long Range Locators

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Has anyone here ever seen a convincing demonstration of long range detectors, the Electroscope Regulator for example?  Seems to me to be a scam but I know very little about them and could easily be wrong.  I would really like to hear about you're experiences with them.


Thanks in advance!!!

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Long Range Locators (LRLs) are a belief system. You either believe in them or you do not. Since there is no proven science behind them the believers are unable to prove they work. And since you can't prove a negative the skeptics are unable to prove they do not work.

The believers http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/long-range-locators/

The skeptics http://www.geotech1.com/cgi-bin/pages/common/index.pl?page=lrl&file=main.dat including, for your enjoyment, a report on an early Electroscope at http://www.geotech1.com/cgi-bin/pages/common/index.pl?page=lrl&file=reports/escope20/index.dat

I am a "hey, whatever floats your boat" kind of person. I also consider myself to be a rather practical sort of fellow, so from my earliest prospecting days my methodology has been to seek out successful people and learn from them. I look at what successful Australian prospectors are using for instance. Practical people delivering repeatable results. For some reason most of them are using Minelab metal detectors. LRLs are not really on their radar. And that, in a nutshell, is all I need to know.

Because this subject has been known to go off the rails on other forums I will remind everyone that the keystone of my forum is respect for others. My expression of my opinion does not mean I am trashing your opinion. The world would be a better place if people would just agree to disagree rather than be dead set in convincing others their opinions are the only valid ones.

All About Long Range Locators

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I like your attitude Steve. Life isn't always about being right or winning. Now this subject is getting into the realm of religion. Best to leave that and politics to others in my opinion.

I wish all the LRL users the best of luck. My belief is they will need that luck. :)

Now you have my opinion and my belief. With that and a $1.25 you can get a lukewarm styrofoam cup of coffee. :lol:

Heavy Pans

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I can find a buried waterline with a couple bent rods .... Just like many, many others... how can that be explained???

I do have an Electroscope and have found coins with ONLY it... no detector.

I have followed "something" for hundreds of feet only to have a quartz vein come right out of the ground on my line... Why?

Can I find something someone has hidden for me to find? Probably not.

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Things that work don't always need explanations. They just need to work. There are lots of theories for what you are experiencing though. It sounds to me like the ability is something innate in you and not imparted by the equipment per se. Are devices that cost a lot of money better than bent robs or something else that can be fashioned at home?

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Your last sentence is probably correct. The Electroscope that I bought 20? years ago functions for me whether it is on or not.  Battery or no battery.

I have to tell a short story.....  Years ago, a new neighbor had heard that I had "witched" my well and asked if I would try for him.  So, I told him "no guarantees".  He was in an area that had little water.

I located where several small feeders came together and called him out to look at where it was.  Again, I told him "no guarantees".  He said "I feel pretty good now" and scratched the ground about 6" from my marker.  There appeared a small 1" square wooden hub that had been driven in the ground,

As it turned out, he had called an elderly lady that was well known for "witching water" and had her do it too.  That was wooden hub was her mark!

He did get several gallons per minute which was good for the area....

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