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Well it is rainy so no beach today--- i go to work for 4 10s that means I will work thru the rain and then it will be beach time next tuesday!!!

Here is a picture for us OLD 7000 users--it is a 3rd arm device the Army is prototyping to relieve weight issues for heavy weapons users (much heavier than the 7000)

This is what happens when i have too much time...lol

Screen Shot 2018-03-02 at 7.17.44 AM.png

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On another note: Beach detecting-

I am finding that by using a cheap blue bungy of the right length with the Zequinox that i can let go of the detector and pick the targets out of my sand scoop without having to put the detector on the sand.

Very simple i just hook it into the suspender harness i use to carry my belt and gear and then attach it on the coil side of the screen upright.  It actually helps keep what little bit of weight there is off my shoulder too---i think it is more about the ease of motion in the sweep more than the actual weight. Anything to keep me swinging longer is good.

I saws some guys using some kind of attachment rig like this when they were detecting out in the surf, but theirs was mainly just to tether the detector i think.

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I have started to free swinging my 7000. Compared to my 5000, it is heavy, but if you can swing both left and right handed, you get used to it. I'm just 5'7, not that strong, but I hate to hear that the 7000 is so heavy that it can't be managed. Please take a different point of view. It can be done, please keep a positive view of your abilities. 

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You all can free swing all ya wanna---Not me--- I am going to take care of what i have left...

Just being a good steward of the old body after all the other years of abuse...

And the 7000 can absolutely be managed , and managed well--

For me that happens to be a properly used hipstick and bungee system ----it makes the 7000 a featherweight.....

And I ain't changing my point of view  !



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