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Equinox 800, V3i And Silver

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I have now had 2 opportunities to go out and use the Equinox. My first time out was shortly after getting it. My wife went with me and was going to swing our V3i. We went to a nearby park that has some history. Previously I was at this park when a gentleman with an AtPro dug a Mercury Head Dime. While detecting with my wife she called me over to check a signal found with the V3i. She is 8 months pregnant and wasn’t about to dig anything. I checked the signal I got a 26. I dug the target and it was our second silver ever found detecting, 1943 Mercury Head Dime. The Dime was surprisingly in the center of the park at about 1” deep. So by no means a challenging find. It was a real let down to have our old detector find silver while the new Equinox only found pull tabs. So today I took the Equinox to another park to focus on learning the Equinox better. I spent about 3 hours before the rain started. I found about $2 in modern coins. But most importantly I’m beginning to feel more confident with the Equinox. I feel the Equinox could be a game changer. It was giving crisp signals for targets and surprising target separation. Admittedly, I miss the features of the V3i, but feel the depth of the Equinox is better. When the rain let’s up, I hope to post some pictures of my finds.... old silver and maybe something dropped by captain Ulysses S. Grant (1854).

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I have had a V3i and believe me there is nothing wrong with a V3i they are great detectors. I just could never seem to get to like it. I had an AT Pro before the V3i and I knew the AT Pro so well the V3i never shined for me. I then bought and E-Trac and that was a better coin hunter than the V3l but again it just never shined for me.

Then I bought the E-800 and it is a game changer for me. I love it and that dog can hunt so well I bought the companion E-600 as a backup. 

I liked the 800 from the 1st day out. I haven't found any gold rings but I am at 3 silver rings so far. 

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I have yet to have a pull tab come in at any ( non gold) coin VDI #. I read a post on another site where a guy said that the Nox "just loves pull tabs". Any detector I've ever used, " just loves pull tabs"! The Nox is no different.  If a guy is digging pull tabs it's because they are looking for gold. Some screw caps come in high and can't be passed. 

Once you get more time on your new machine you won't dig pull tabs unless you want to....while looking for gold...just like any other machine. Good luck with your new machine.



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IMO White's dropped the ball by not modernizing the V3i and instead focusing on yet another VLF detector.  In the right hands it's a fantastic detector, and in many ways, way ahead of it's time - wireless headphones built-in, color analytics screen, selectable single or simultaneous multi-frequency.  

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Well, gold or nickels. Chase nickels and you are going to bring home some square tabs!

There are many very good top performing detectors out there. The only constant is me - the detectors come and go. I think detecting success is comprised of three main components. 1. The operator skill level. 2. The location. 3. The detector used. Pretty much in that order. If I am a proficient operator and have put myself on good ground there are many detectors that can be used that will all do the job reasonably well.

At the end of the day then the detector choice is about finding the one of many that most suits each of us. Basics like weight and price are big factors, but there are a host of smaller factors like audio options, screen layout, menu design and ease of adjustment, etc. that all come together to create a detector that we want to grab and use each day.

For me I have never found any number of reviews or videos etc. to help me much. It seems I have to get the machines in question, and give them a go. It forces the issue because I can only use one detector at a time. Which one will I use today, and which one stays home? Eventually one machine is getting used and others are sitting idle. Then I know I have a keeper, and the others can find new homes.

The key with Equinox is I am convinced beyond a doubt that it is doing something under the hood that no other detector does exactly, and that gives me that little extra confidence factor I need when going into areas hunted by decades with other detectors. I could use the same old same old I have been using for years, or something that actually really is different. That “difference factor” is the main tipping point for me as to why I am going to grab the Equinox and let the others rest. That, and it is just a fun detector to use! :smile:

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On 4/12/2018 at 11:28 AM, bado1 said:

I read a post on another site where a guy said that the Nox "just loves pull tabs". Any detector I've ever used, " just loves pull tabs"!


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Every detector loves pull tabs but you have to learn the tab tone vs the nickel tone. Those gold tabs will fool you once in a while but if you want nickels and gold that rings up like a nickel you're going to hit a few tabs. You can usually tell a tab by going to all metal and pumping it then go back to park 1 or park 2

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