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Lost Sound On Gpz 7000


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I recently lost sound whilst detecting. The detector was working just fine. I turned it off after finding 3 small pieces of gold to have some lunch. After i turned it back on and went through the quick start process it just dropped sound. Only noise i got was turning the wireless off and on. Then the detector would shut down without removing the battery. I tried to reset, also didn't work. Very frustrating as i was on a good area and had driven 560km. Please advise as im at a loss. The detector hasn't been used more than 20 times, ie brand new. 

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Hmmmm, interesting one. 

There is a known issue with some machines where the sound drops out when changing between gold modes or ground modes. Turning the GPZ off and then on again corrects the problem. 

But I have never seen where that issue causes the machine to turn itself off. 

Lots of possibilities:

- is the battery fully charged?

- are the battery connections clean,  not damaged, is the battery seated properly. 

- is the wireless module thingy connected, seated properly?  

- were you using headphones direct to the GPZ?  Are the headphones faulty? 

- are you using the WM12?  Is that battery fully charged or possibly a fault with it?  

- are you using a booster of some description - is there an issue with that? 

- the coil connection seems unlikely to be the issue but??? 

- the machine hasn’t been wet, washed down, left in the rain and water has got into the electronics? (Worst case scenario  ?

Hope you sort it  ?

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Iain something similar happened to my 7000 when it had 5 months of warranty to run.  The difference being yours is no sound and powering off, mine was no sound and wouldn`t power off.     I phoned the Minelab service dept in Adelaide, they said they knew what was wrong with it and I had to send the control box back to them.       I got it back about 1 week later all fixed. I suggest you contact your local service department.   Dave


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I have explained my trobleshoot poorly. I immediately changed all batteries for new/fully charged. It ,WM12 was turned on after the detector and paired before attempting normal quick start. Sound present until I went to wave over ferrous ring, dead and wouldn't shut down, removed the battery and reinserted it.Retried without using WM12. Used brand new headphones for exactly the same result at the ferrous ring stage of quick start. Also wouldn't turn off. I then reset the equipment as per manual and tried again for the same results. Nothing has ever been wet, dropped or left outside. Very thankful for the time and effort taken for the responses. I will be sending it bact to the manufacturer as soon as i get back home. Its more than a little bit disappointing to see that this problem is not just a one-off, but the fact that it wasnt mentioned as a possibility on the day of purchase. Not very impressed with that at all.

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51 minutes ago, Iain said:

Its more than a little bit disappointing to see that this problem is not just a one-off, but the fact that it wasnt mentioned as a possibility on the day of purchase. Not very impressed with that at all.

hey lain. I can understand why you are not impressed.   I wasn`t impressed when mine failed at 2 years and 7 months, but i think it`s a rare event. When I posted on this forum that mine failed nobody came back and said "yeh, that happened to mine too".   The good news is they know what the problem is and there`s a quick turn around.  As yours is new, you may even score a new one. I tried that one but Minelab wouldn`t wear it ☺️ cheers Dave

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Agree with you Phoenix.  I think it is a very, very, very low percentage issue.  These are now the only 2 issues of this type that I've seen across a couple of forums.   If it is at the point when you are ferrite balancing with the ring it might be related to when the Quick Trak button is activated? 

It's a shame it has happened to yours Iain but the bright side is that Minelab can and will fix it. 

Hope it is a quick turn around for you  ?

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