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Will Equinox Pave The Way?

Desert Dawg

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On 9/29/2018 at 8:13 PM, flakmagnet said:

Is there a multifrequency potential in pulse induction technology?

It wouldn't mean the same thing. As I understand it, VLF detectors use a current at a very low frequency sine wave to energize the transmitting coil, and multifrequency VLF detectors generate multiple frequencies simultaneously (or in rapid sequence).  The receive coil is shielded from the transmit coil, and picks up the magnetic field generated by eddy currents the transmit coil's field has induced in metalic objects/targets. By measuring the phase differences between the transmitted and received fields, information is gained concerning the target. Measurements made at multiple frequencies (i.e. wavelengths) can provide more information about the target.  This transmit/receive process takes place at the same time.

PI detectors work differently, and "multifrequency" wouldn't have the same meaning. PI dectors energize the coil with a short pulse of direct (continuous) current then cut off the current and measure the time it takes for the generated electromagnetic field to collapse. The "collapse" time is influenced by weak fields generated by induced eddy currents in the metallic target, allowing its detection (but not providing much other information).  The process is then repeated. I suppose you could vary the rate, or frequency, of these pulses-followed-by-measuring-the-collapse, but it wouldn't have the same meaning as with a VLF detector, and I'm doubtful it could provide more information about the target. But, I don't know much about PI detectors, so hopefully someone else can give a more definitive answer.

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17 hours ago, Mxt Sniper said:

What I mean by gpz technology, in general is, hybrid technology.

Then what do you mean by hybrid technology? GPZ isn't hybrid, it's constant-current PI.


10 hours ago, flakmagnet said:

Is there a multifrequency potential in pulse induction technology?

GPX uses multi-period PI which is somewhat akin to MF. It is possible to mix PI and VLF in a hybrid, and then to extend that to MF.


On 9/28/2018 at 1:11 PM, Mxt Sniper said:

This seems to be the way the CZX by Fisher is headed.

Whatever way the CZX was headed, it wasn't that way.



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8 hours ago, Geotech said:

This seems to be the way the CZX by Fisher is headed.


8 hours ago, Geotech said:

Whatever way the CZX was headed, it wasn't that way.

So it was a no go, a dead end or did it lead to the discovery of something potentially greater?

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2 hours ago, Geotech said:

Didn't give the results we were looking for. So dead-end, more or less.


Thanks for the candor regarding th CZX. 

I know a lot of people are wondering about the prototype  Manta. Question,  Is the mechanical aspect nearing completion and can we expect pretty good ergo's?

Thanks again


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Bummer. Kind of had that feeling on the CZX but we are rooting for you Carl. Got a spot waiting in my lineup for Manta but do take the time to get the ergonomics right. All you have to do is meet or beat the waterproof TDI for performance and at a lower weight than 5.3 lbs and I will be happy. Best wishes to everyone at FT!

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Other than the Manta (which I've been following and although it's an interesting acquisition I personally have very little interest in it as I cannot see taking it to a ghost town or stage stop...at least not yet)....  So with FTP being so tight lipped, why are they actually sharing a little bit on the Manta as it's being tested and ushered into production?  Did they finally learn it's better to say something and stir up interest, then say nothing and watch all their competitors have all the fun?  

I hope FTP has something else up their sleeve, and I would enjoy seeing them be more transparent in the future.

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1 minute ago, Cal_Cobra said:

I hope FTP has something else up their sleeve, and I would enjoy seeing them be more transparent in the future

I'm sure they are working on other projects besides buttoning up Andre's Manta. 

The bar got set a couple notches higher with the Nox but I have confidence in the talented people at FTP.

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1 minute ago, Jackpine said:

I'm sure they are working on other projects besides buttoning up Andre's Manta. 

The bar got set a couple notches higher with the Nox but I have confidence in the talented people at FTP.

Sure, I doubt they sit around twiddling their thumbs all day, but on the other side of the coin, it's been a long, long time since anything innovative has come out of FTP.  Their selling boatloads of bounty hunters (Costco, Walmart, sporting good stores, etc),  and they've repacked the F75 a hundred different ways to Sunday, and even the T2 to an extent.  They built a new "state of the art" factory.  Heck I even saw a video of someone that did a tour of the new factory, and stated that they "were working on great new things that would be out soon" but even that was last year. We've been hearing for ten+ years their next BIG thing was coming, so as much as we all know their capable of great things, here we sit speculating what these great things may or may not be while some of the competitors are actually walking the walk.   Yes the Manta is interesting, but let's be honest, it's an acquisition, so they really had almost nothing to do with it.  Sure they tidied up the design, and mechanical aspects, but it's not their invention. 

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see them come out with something that blows the Equinox away, but thus far, there's zero evidence to indicate that will ever happen.

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