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The Question Even Drayton Can't Avoid


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7 minutes ago, Chase Goldman said:

...One can legitimately argue that I violated my own advice by posting what I did....

I disagree.  It's always a wise decision to leave open the door that one may have erred, though.  However in this case there was no error (IMO ?).  You didn't take sides; you didn't name names.  Rather you attempted to defuse, and better yet reiterate the value of this site and one of the principles upon which it was founded.

30 minutes ago, Chase Goldman said:

....I think (much of this thread) goes against the general tone and spirit that Steve had established on his site....

Again you took the humble view ("...I think...") so as not to put words in Steve's mouth.  And again there isn't a sane person who would bet against this, even receiving very high odds.  This site isn't just Steve's (although obviously it couldn't exist in anything near its present valuable form without him).  It depends upon the cooperation of all posters, and that includes civility.

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23 hours ago, Alluminati said:

No, why would you want to make any money. lol

Dear diary... ?


Before I write anything on a machine I try and read everything that's been said so far.  Gary did a tiny bit for the M/L "knowledge base" and then an article for "Searcher" that had only basic information on the Equinox.   I found this to be very disappointing.  When I had a face to face conversation with him he likened the EQ to a glorified V-Track.  I enjoy Garys blog too but have a sense that he just lost interest on this one--a shame cause it's a cool machine that does a lot of things.  Greatest hunter notwithstanding--there's more to being an "Expert"than being given a hat and blazer.   

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