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My Morning View

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Howdy folks,

Just wanted to share the view from my house this morning, should have looked like this back in October but here it is in April. As Sourdoughscott has said in the past - i live in one of the most beautiful areas around. i'm truly blessed - Enjoy

The gold from yesterday came from the other-side of the mountain shrouded in clouds, but i mine in all the mountains.



And yes those are massive yuba dredge tailings in the Scott River below the house.




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That is magic, I awake to a totally different view, probably in contrast  the "opposite" which also is magic. Must get camera out one morn. share and show I also am blessed.

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Looks like a beautiful place to be. Your last outing sounded little like my previous one, minus the gold. Soon i hope, very soon. i think i will have to look at some out of state adventures, later this year perhaps. If lead were gold i d be doing alright. take care.

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Looks like a beautiful place to be. Your last outing sounded little like my previous one, minus the gold. Soon i hope, very soon. i think i will have to look at some out of state adventures, later this year perhaps. If lead were gold i d be doing alright. take care.

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Magical it is Norvic - Glad you enjoyed it. and i would love to see your view. I've always wanted to explore Aussieland, as you said its such the opposite of the wilds i've grown up in.


Yup Digger Bob im out by callahan, its nestled near the foothills of Mount Bolivar just out of view in the last pic. Etna is a great little town, one of the only towns i could live in if i had to, but luckily not.


The gold will come Spencer just keep it up. If lead were gold and nails like diamonds wed all be rich but the excitement of discovery would be lost and we'd likely be just like all the other rich assholes. Lol WY is beautiful also.


Good Luck


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I packed my 2300 with me deer hunting this year. We usually go into the Alps from Long Gulch Lake over the top of the ridge and down into South fork Coffee creek. We camp at the head waters of S Fork at about 6500 feet. Never found a piece of gold nor did I get a buck this year. I'm not surprised because my pick was clanking around on my pack were ever I went.  But I was more after gold then Deer. You should have seen the look on my buddies face when I pulled out the 2300 from my back pack when we reached our base camp. That was worth the price of the machine alone. I only saw evidence of one digging the whole time I was in that region of the alps and that was close to the truck. Years ago we used to go into the Hayden ridge area directly behind the Callahan store. Wish I was into gold back then. It truly is vast and beautiful country over there.


Pic 1 is the top of dead man peak looking east (Note Mt Shasta in the background)

Pic 2 is looking south into dead man gulch

Pic 3 is looking North down Long Gulch toward the Marble mountains

Pic 4 is a bottle of whiskey we left in a hollow log 12 years prior. It was still delicious 







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Beautiful pics Strick I know the area well. Your picks give a good feel for my country - vast and mountainous.

I bet your buddies face was priceless. My buddies that don't mine love to see my gold but they always say they could never stick it out and just don't have the desire and always chuckle that i bring my detector every where. It brings me great peace and focus. I do have to separate hunting animals and hunting gold though because they each need all of my attention. 

I have hunted below long gulch and done well in the past and have found gold on the lower reaches of SF Coffee Creek and also on Trail Creek below Carter Meadows. From near the Trail Creek campground head down river a bit and you should see some detectable bedrock also there's a few off-roads to the left just down from the CM Campground turn that drops you into an area thats produced gold. Neither place has all that much bedrock and the substrate shifts allot season to season but you never know. The Whiskey speaks for itself - 12 yrs Wiser -  Mmm 

Put some of that foam that you wrap pipes with to weatherize for winter around the head. It'll keep from banging as much and prevent it from abrasing your pack or what ever else. 


Thanks for sharing, AjR

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Hey Strick, I had the most memorable deer season ever hunting below long gulch lake with ono goldhunter! We did not bag one either but it was soo interactive bouncing them around in the stair stepping terraces below the lake. Saw and heard a bunch of deer and 4 bear. What a beautiful place that is. The lake practically boiled just before dark!! Was there a glacier on the far side against the rock backdrop or is it melted? Matt

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