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This is a great tip for those who think that the gold is all gone and those before us got it all. What a wonderful resource forums like this are for those who are beginners or those who are looking to better themselves.

George, there is a tip that I learned from you when I was still in Alaska that I have not seen you post about. It is one that can save a lot of time in the field. Any details that I leave out I will leave to you to explain, but in short I'll just say this much that I learned. 

George and I were on Jack Wade Creek one time early in my detecting life.  I didn't have a GB2 but he did. I only had the old Goldmaster V-Sat, which I still have. I was having more fun watching George find and dig one target right after another.

His little time saving secret was this: once a target was heard he only dug to where the target was in the scoop; he didn't try to isolate the target and pick it out, he simply emptied the scoop into a small bucket he carried for that purpose. He would then run the contents of that bucket in a sluice at a later time.

While it is true that this method doesn't give the instant gratification of seeing what you have recovered, it does serve to save an amazing amount of time in the field. There may be others who have used this method and it is not new to them, but for me it was a "first" and I was thankful I was there with him to see it in action.

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Jim, your story about chasing the gold in the hydraulic pit was a tale that had to be told. I find people all of the time that try to tell me all of the gold has been found or that if the oldtimers worked a spot, they got it all, but you've proven with your story what the possible truth really is; there's often gold left if a person has the determination to be a bit innovative, which you were, and it paid off.

Nicely done, and it's great to hear from you again, and I miss the days on your Alaska gold forum; you and your wonderful wife did such a great job of hosting your site.

All the best,


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Thanks Lanny. But if I remember you have had some great success in the past yourself. I remember some of the stories you told back then. I always thought it amazing that you found gold in some of the most unlikely places.

My Alaska forum is back up once more in a new format. I'd love to have you visit once again. We need some great stories to get the forum back to what it once was.

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