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7 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Just life. JP has a business to run and kids at that magic age. We all wish we could just be free spirits out prospecting all the time. Life makes that possible sometimes and at other times we get so busy... and then we usually get a break when we get older but then the aches and pains start! :laugh:

Been there done that and so I was actually just being sympathetic with that mention.

Steve, I also have kids and any time spent with them is a privilage. The fact that they might want to join me detecting is almost unfathomably cool, so the sympathetic mention is appreciated. I was just stirring the forum pot a little knowing the secrecy JP (and you for that matter) undertake testing new ML stuff. 

Hope the weather lightens up a bit there it looks like its been damp.

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I know what you were up to! :laugh::laugh:

You want to know how crazy it is? If JP was working on something he would never give me a hint. And I am the same way. These things are hermetic lock boxes and there is no cross talk allowed or even desired really. I do invite you to try your best but don't be disappointed if it just gets ignored. 

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