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Everything posted by auminesweeper

  1. Chuck you better just go and Look or them Big Silver Bars, I don't think that young lady will want to share her Beach with you,, I like the fact she is out there getting in to it, More power to the Girl. john
  2. When finds are thin on the ground or I am getting tired I take a break and always take a flask of coffee and something to chop on for lunch and re-fuel you mind, you would be surprized what taking time out can do to boost your concentration levels, There are two types of detectorists One waits for it to beep before they dig and then there is the one that listens to the Detector which is the secrete to finding Gold or treasure, Some times a raise in threshold is all a target will give and If you hunt this way and check out such targets you will find what your looking for and it can add another 6 inches to a foot on the depth of the machine, So Don't Beep,, Listen and check out those rises in the threshold, The reason you need to take a break is get your mind right and your Ears switched on, So never use a detector when ya Buggered take a Break and get back in the Game, Good luck,, John
  3. Here's a video I just found for those thinking of using the MX-Sport at the beach john Also checkout this Silver Haul
  4. Chuck you just need to be happy with what ever machine you end up with, I will send my views to you via PM john
  5. I wish those Tan models were made for the rest of the world and the concentric coils that they sell to Africa because they Seriously boost the Sensitivity of the GMT, people are always looking for a machine or coil that gives them the edge and those old Long scan coils are the best on fine gold.. john
  6. Sounds like a winner Tom, that's great it is all coming together, That's the news we have been waiting to hear, Yours is the first machine we have had good feed back from and that is a good thing, So keep the reviews coming, Mate. Good luck and welcome to D/P john
  7. How do you know it is Deeper have you done side by side testing, As In both machines on the same target on multiple targets, Also if the pinpoint mode is only reaching out to 12 inches then that is still running at Loss and should reach out much much further, Because the pinpoint mode is the most powerful mode and if that is only going out to 12 inches then there is No way is it deeper than the MXT Pro using the standard 10" DD Coil. john
  8. Well I thought that you should know that I am in the City with every form of EMI technology one can imagine and the fact that my MXT A/P with the 10" DD works well in such an environment So I believe if mine works here it should be ok where you are, hope that helps,, Take care. john
  9. G'day Des, It's good to see you posting and doing your thing again, I did see your posts requesting info from other testers and that they were less than forth coming, Still it's their loss, Since it's release we have all become aware of the problems some members have had and it is a shame because this machine had so much to offer, Thanks again Des take care John ,
  10. Chuck I don't think you will have issues running the MXT A/P at high Gain, I can turn mine up to 10 +2 in C&J or the Prospecting mode and it runs smooth and in the Relic mode I can run it flat our and it is stable which is why I can get such huge differences on coins compared to what you get, But one thing to take in to account I live in the City and there is a High Voltage Railway Subway about 6 or 8 feet below my floor and it still works fine, good luck mate, john
  11. Sorry to hear of all your troubles Chuck and that it has come to this, Tom has been excellent through all this so I thank him for his time and efforts and respectfully there is only so much he can do in his position within the company, I am so unsure about this machine because the issue's keep changing and I thought that every machine Built after the 24/3/2016 was supposed to have the software update where the SAT went up to 8 yet the New one you got sent only goes up to 6, I can't imagine how you feel but I know I am confused from reading how many issue's there are from one machine to the other, I am so Glad that the MXT is still in production to the point I might even buy another one as a Backup, Anyway Chuck I hope this all works out in the end, I know whites will stick by you no matter what, Take Care Chuck,,, John
  12. Danny, In this Video he is using the Toughest coin on the planet to detect, and you will see how the sovereign struggles to recover to enable it to go from the Nail and then see the coin, Now in this next Video you will see John Lynn (Norfolk Wolf) do the same test using the Lobo super Track, But notice how much closer he can get the Nail to the Coin and this is why recovery is so important, The MXT was Built by the same Engineer who Built the Lobo and they are both about Equal in terms of Recovery, If these were normal coins then the Lobo and the MXT can see the coins even if the Nail is sitting on the coin, where as the Sovereign will still Null out and you won't even know they were there, Enjoy, John
  13. In South East Queensland I use cut Timber for a living and from the End of April to the end of June, I use to supply folks with fire wood, It might be different out in the Bush, And the Rainy months is where my Busiest months, On average it was a 11 to 12 week Boost In my Income. john
  14. They don't do too bad do they, I have often wondered how well they would against the Musketeer Advantage because the Eureka Gold has a disc control on it if I remember correctly, I would not put it up against the GT because that Iron mask has a mind of it's own. john
  15. The Sovereign has to be one of the best beach machines ever, even the older ones can hold their own well done on finding the ring. john
  16. Yeah I know how you feel, it gave me a boost when I saw them, That is some serious Gold, John
  17. There is a few Quids worth there, he must have a total weight of around 2 LBS, good on him.
  18. A new member just made his first post yesterday on Prospecting Australia, You gotta gotta see it,, Bugga Me. Make sure you are sitting down with no sharp objects within your reach. john https://www.prospectingaustralia.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?id=6453&p=107
  19. Don't go in Summer Paul, I went way out in the bush in Queensland and I had a thirst that would kill a Blue Dog, I won't be doing that again, Even standing up in the back of Cruiser Ute at a 100ks it was still too hot,, April - May are the cooler months to go,, otherwise it's like Death Valley in the US, john
  20. No worry's Mate it's great that they are in easy to understand language without having to look up what words mean, lol take care Paul. john
  21. I hope he left any bad habits JP might of taught him out in the bush, Now I know who you are, I really enjoyed your mega Video. Top Job, john
  22. It is a Great machine and like the Golden Hawk they were/are quite unique,
  23. I always wanted to buy the Eureka Gold but my dealer said it was **** and so I never managed to get one, My plan was to keep the Musketeer Advantage, and the Sovereign GT and get the Eureka Gold, Shame really because I liked everything about that machine but they would not order me One. john
  24. There won't be a lot in it, but on land the MXT will walk over the GT and if you are after fine Gold Chains and I mean FINE or natural Gold the MXT will find things the GT won't even know is there,
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