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  • Interests:
    Gold Detecting
  • Gear In Use:
    The Mighty GPZ7000 combined with a variety of X-Coils, and the GPX6000 with the 11" mono ML coil

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  1. yes your right, and to be estimated to get 30,000 pounds that like nearly $60,000 AUD for a 2oz bit of colour, I reckon it's way way over valued, tell them their dreamin
  2. yep did a similar thing with a few of the early x-coils, I used a 1/4" or 6mm steel rod to wrap the curls tightly around, and tape it down at the start and finish, and heat with a heat gun, just hot enough to barely hold on to the curls, let it cool right down and slide the rod out, it works but not forever, the other thing is to roll the detector anticlockwise while feeding the cable up the shaft, if it is a bit tight this helps keep the curls tight and not un wind them. cheers dave
  3. yep just like in the guys video, keep the metal cool and grind it don't press the grinder to hard and a bit at a time and grind like the guy does in the video
  4. Merry Christmas to all and a happy safe great New Year cheers dave
  5. sad news indeed, RIP Neville and condolences to your family and friends
  6. Haha, yes she has been lucky entering competitions and still wins stuff, but my answer is, well someone has to win it may as well be her ?
  7. yes geof, your right, malleeboy gave me permission to make the picks like his, just as long as I called them a different name, so that is how we came up with the name "Gold Digger Picks" I do three sizes, small medium and large and a few of the detector shops in Australia stock them
  8. nice gold Condor, hard work to get it though and a twisted knee, hope it heals quick, great photos and story to go with them, thanks for posting about you trip and adventures cheers dave
  9. have you had an assessment on that big 36" coil from the x-coil guys
  10. Funny as it sounds, what you said, but I also like the 11" mono ML on our 6000's they work well for us and at this stage they don't have any build issues, but they sure are built light and flimsy so time will tell. So far the first one has about 3 months use on it and has had one skid plate wear out and a new on put on, the 2nd 6000 has about 6 weeks use and going well, all the use has been in WA for both machines and coils cheers dave
  11. yes, you and me to, I think a CC x-coil on the 6000 would be great
  12. what you describe about the 11" mono ML coil for the 6000 is not what we noticed in WA and detected for at least 3 months out of a 4 month trip in WA. I did try a 9" coiltek mono and found it was ok as well but I liked the 11" ML coil and it found us plenty of gold and it ran quite well in my opinion. WA is not noted for quiet ground, but yes you will need to move some hot rocks out of the way but there was gold under and around quite a few of them. On the Granite type ground is much quieter type of ground and nearly no hot rocks and you could run the 6000 in normal but on the ironstone type ground it seemed necessary to run the 6000 in Difficult, and on getting a target when switching to normal the target was no better and I found the ground signal would nearly mask the target at times in the Ironstone type ground if running in normal. cheers dave
  13. yes its a very poor article, they didn't even know who found the "Hand of Faith" well Kevin Hiller did along with his wife Bep Hand of Faith Discoverers: Unknown Location: Kingower, Victoria Date: 1980 Gross Weight: 875 ozt (27.2 kg; 60.0 lb) Net Weight: N/A Notes: Found using a metal detector.
  14. I am liking the 6000 with the 11" mono, getting plenty of gold with it in WA, the only other coil I have tried is the 9" Coiltek Goldhawk, and it worked fine as well, although I found it felt a bit heavier than the standard 11" mono. This is some of the ground we are detecting on right now, and for the last 6 days between the missus and myself we have 35.5 grams from this area. So all in all the both of our 6000's running the standard mono coils and the manual sensitivity at about the 3 O'clock position and in difficult, as there are way to many hot rocks to run in normal setting and this is the average size gold, about 6 or 7 bits to the gram this is a screen shot of some of the gold find points and the chain line gridding cheers dave
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