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Diving Counterweight For TDI Beachhunter

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I know that most of you guys are not using TDIBH for underwater hunt. TDI is actually horrible for this task 'couse it floats.

Youare really suffer to hold it under water.... Horrible, you have to spent a lot of energy to sink down the detector. Somebody uses the coil weight, but in my opinion it is not so good solution as it provokes extra wear on the washers and makes the coil not so hydrodynamic....

My solution is to use lead shots in the 3d printed plastic case as a weight. It works great. The weight is just clipped on the shaft and that's it. No modifications whatsoever are needed. If you hunt on the dry send, just take a weight off.

Here are some pictures:IMG-20190603-230732-950.jpgAdobe-20190603-224421.jpgAdobe-20190603-224509.jpgAdobe-20190603-225015.jpg






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I don’t need to drop the detector in the water.....I hold onto it.

i never said it doesn’t float....I said the buoyancy has never bothered me.

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Different preferences in detectors are normal, not a right or wrong thing. I prefer my detectors slightly negative so they will sit on the bottom. I sometimes need both hands to dig and don’t need my detector floating off and trying to pull my headphones off. If it’s not an issue for others, that’s just fine also. Differing uses lead to different priorities.

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  • 2 years later...

I am trying to find one of these detectors to purchase, and if I am would you sell one of these counter weights to me?   Thanks, Brittany

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I know this is an old thread but I would not recommend using the TDI Beachhunter underwater. Both the coil and the case are notorious for developing stress cracks and leaking. I would consider it splash proof at best.

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4 minutes ago, Geotech said:

I know this is an old thread but I would not recommend using the TDI Beachhunter underwater. Both the coil and the case are notorious for developing stress cracks and leaking. I would consider it splash proof at best.

I have been looking fora TDI Beachhunter, and I've heard rumors about what you are saying here regarding leakage issues with people having to return them under warranty when there was a White's metal detectors to return them to. Now if you make a bad purchase, you are stuck.  I think you could be a good unit for running on the beach and maybe even operating while it's raining. I saw that you had a unit did you sell it? Or do you want to sell it? Let me know your thoughts. Thanks again for the cautionary Tale.

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