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What Would You Do?

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Say I'm trout fishing today and find a 4" quartz seam loaded with visible gold (Googly 'gold in quartz and it's as good as anything on page 1). But, the land is already claimed by an armchair 'miner' that actually just uses it as loooong term camping/fishing/hunting space without campground antics and charges plus it's close to a deer layover area. Say I know this for sure since I met his grandkids and son years ago during hunting season and taught them how to snipe for gold on that very stream since the 'miner' was oblivious as to how.

What would you do;

Tell him?

Wait for him to lapse his claim into abandonment or die?






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Since he has little interest in mining try and get a lease on the property to do whatever it is that is in your head. That is a 100% negotiable thing. Assuming it is gold it could really be something or it could just be a few ounces of specimens hacked out of solid rock before it peters out. Be aware that quartz veins in the water can look a lot like they have gold in them... until a piece is in hand and it turns out to be discolored quartz or  calcite.

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Wes, I would contact the claim owner and get permission to prospect the claim.  Before you upfront any money, as Steve said, verify it is what you think it is.  I hope it is :)


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On 6/11/2019 at 9:23 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

Since he has little interest in mining try and get a lease on the property to do whatever it is that is in your head. That is a 100% negotiable thing. Assuming it is gold it could really be something or it could just be a few ounces of specimens hacked out of solid rock before it peters out. Be aware that quartz veins in the water can look a lot like they have gold in them... until a piece is in hand and it turns out to be discolored quartz or  calcite.

Petering out is my concern so I contacted a geologist friend and ran the scenario and pics past him. He's pretty sure the lode extends beyond the claim boundary and substantial portion is below the roadway when the road was blasted into the canyon wall.   Yep, it's a stones throw from a well used road, lol. Problem, it's good 60-70 degrees slope below. I looked today for pieces but all I got was 200' down, 5 ticks, sore knee and rope burn. Plus, it could be buried under 2000 tns of blasted off mtn.

Another problem, it's so close to the roadway horizontally and being above (except for any blasted off and below someplace) the possibility of mining dumpage on the roadway below is high.

Being gold? 100,000% sure. I spent 8 years underwater with 6, 8 and then 10" nozzles dredging, it's gold for sure. Malleable, shiney grade kind. Funny thing is , none of this seam is in the water or near it. It's all just past and above. The pc I found was dusted from the impact of the fall from above and that's how I knew where to look.



Next step. Posting and professional survey of all unclaimed land I think. 



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