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Steve's Moore Creek Article in ICMJ

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Hey, Steve;

good article! http://www.icmj.com/article-notloggedin.php?id=3263

The article took me back to 2005 and Moore Creek. You ran an excellent camp! I don't know if you can link to the article I wrote about my trip there but someone may find it of interest...

I found a few moore creek photos of my first speci, finishing the celebration and camp...

thanks for the memories





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I am not sure where your article is Fred. If you have the address you can post the link.

Moore Creek is likely to go down as the number one adventure in my life (outside marriage). Trials and tribulations and an incredibly good time and many great people well met. Like you Fred!

I ran a poll awhile back about activating a photo gallery on the forum. I let it go due to lackluster response. However, on reflection I have a huge archive of photos I would like to share with people, especially the Moore Creek visitors. I always meant to send everyone a CD but never got around to it. Easier now to just put the whole collection online and most the people who visited will eventually find it.

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Steve, thanks, I had a great time keeping the coffee pot going every morning while you cooked breakfast...I still hear that lonely wolf howling in the early morning...can still see the otters playing along the misty creek.

You had the article in your Moore Creek site...I suppose it is gone with new owners...oh well.

I have the article but have no clue how to put it here, on your forum.


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Have it how? What format? I will help get it back online.

Here are some ones you will enjoy Fred - from 2005!

Second week of visitors with Fred in attendance, huge forest fires in area, could barely see across valley at times. A shot of visitor tent camp:


Fred with his Eric Foster Goldscan:


Amazing find by Fred, great condition 1909 half dollar, one of a few very nice coins found in our years at Moore Creek:


One of the fantastic 2005 finds, a 6.54 oz "potato" by Dean:


Second week visitor finds:


The second week visitors:


And me doing what I enjoyed doing most at Moore Creek. One of the few things I have ever discovered more fun than metal detecting!


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gosh, my hair was mostly still brown and I still feel the pain of that gs5...Not being the forgetful type I still wish I had taken your advice...too late!


I have it in a word document-I think...it would be easy for me to be mistaken...not being very smart and all...



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Fred, great post, thank you. that looks like one fantastic adventure. And one smart looking guy having a little nip after a long day, I'm jealous... what fun!

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